CEO Management

Largely isolated planning and control processes: The production and business are often largely separate worlds in corporate reality, although they are in mutual dependencies. The MES systems are but by their missing process orientation, not in a position to support the always necessary integration of business and production processes with integrated planning and control data. No sufficient KPI control possible: MES-production management optimization opportunities only with a time lag in the rearview mirror, also used KPI approaches in their depth of evaluation are insufficient. Required a real-time monitoring through intelligent analysis and control instruments, is the productivity obstacles but thus faster, more precise and targeted improvement measures identified. No administrative optimization methods: The conventional expression MES systems track not entitled to improvements in the area of production management in their basic understanding. Such a distinction but no longer corresponds to the needs of companies, because significant influences on productivity may arise from the conditions. In this respect, a holistic management concept like total must be productive management (TPM) in the strategy for the management of production in addition eingebzogen. Given the weaknesses of the existing MES systems production intelligence represents an evolutionary development as an integrated and process-oriented approach”, judge Werner Felten, CEO of the software company.

Thus, the production management from its isolated self understanding and thus is released its performance limitations, so that higher effects to the Efficiency can be achieved.” He recommends the companies that still employ no MES systems or solutions for machine and operating data entry (MDE/BDE), for reasons of economic security, to avoid going through the classic systems. Because the future clearly belongs to the PI-oriented solutions, generates high investment risks. a focus on the outdated idea of MES” FELTEN group: The FELTEN group is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. Clients include Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas instruments, etc. FELTEN has become the first supplier the holistic and process-oriented production intelligence approach. The company is present except in German-speaking Europe in the United Kingdom and France.

CEO Photographers

About 8,500 submissions of 793 photographer / Germany, lies in the country ranking on rank two Lurzer s archive, the world’s leading trade magazine for outstanding advertising, published in the latest edition of the success 200 best ad photographers worldwide extraordinary photographs for advertisements. The recordings come from the 200 best advertising photographers in international and are categorized in 424 pages. “Sports and landscape motifs, animal and vehicle shots to portraits and still lifes: the illustrated book of 200 best ad photographers worldwide” shows 516 inspiring designs for advertisements or posters. Lurzer’s archive 200 best advertising photographers for the sixth time providing a platform to showcase their exceptional photos. Works by photographers come from 31 countries. From Germany, 30 photographers are represented.

Comparing Germany is behind the United States (55 photographers) on second place, followed by Britain (25 photographers) and Australia (13 Photographer). The 516 motifs show again exceptional achievements of advertising photography. Creative directors and art buyer for worldwide a source of inspiration and the ultimate reference book with the illustrated advertising photographers”, says Michael Weinzettl, editor in Chief of Lurzer’s archive. After a pre-selection of 8.629 submissions the jury chose consisting of editor-in-Chief Michael Weinzettl, Suzee Barrabee (art buyer from Goodby Silverstein and partners), Damon Collins (founding member of joint London), Rafael Gil (art director at Africa in Sao Paulo), Christophe Gilbert (photographer), Shintaro Shiratori (President of the Japan advertising photographers’ Association APA) and Anne Telford (Communication Arts) 516 best work. Walker says: 793 submitted photographers the jury does not easily made it, to make a selection from the outstanding motifs.

Moreover, the large number of submissions shows that photo opportunities at advertising agencies and companies remains a central element for exceptional advertisements represent.” The book 200 best ad photographers worldwide 2014/2015 “can be ordered from the 15 December 2013 on the selected book and magazine trade, Amazon and. It is sold in 68 countries throughout the world. Review copies can be requested from the agency contact (see below). Title information: 200 best ad photographers worldwide 2014/2015 424 pages, format 20,5 x 28,5 cm price: 34,50 euro (D) ISBN: 978-3-902393-19-7 over Lurzer’s archive of Lurzer’s archive is the bimonthly trade magazine for exceptional advertising from all over the world. Posters, ads, TV commercials, digital and interactive advertising will be presented. The editor-in-Chief is Michael Weinzettl, Christian Lurzer is CEO of the publishing house. The magazine is the most important information and sources of inspiration since its founding by Prof. Walther Lurzer in 1984 as a for advertisers worldwide. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Michael Steinhardt. It is distributed in 68 countries in the subscription, the selected book and press trade. In addition, the magazine can as read digital version on iPad and iPhone. Around the world it reaches over 150,000 readers per issue. Subscribers have access to Lurzer’s online archive, which contains more than 65,000 images and video files via. Since 2004, Lurzer’s archive 200 best brings “series out. The volumes nominated remarkable work, at regular intervals including from advertising photography, digital artists, illustration and packaging design.

NLP Experienceoriented

Practitioner-start in the space of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen training more and more people in their spare time, to improve their professional qualifications and to train their communicative skills. Many meet in this context also the hypnotic programming (NLP), a highly successful, proven for nearly forty years method to learn effective communication. You then often try to train their skills with the help of NLP literature. But limits are self-paced. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Symantha Rodriguez. To learn communication just best in together.

This is possible in an NLP practitioner training. On a total of 20 days of training, training provides the know-how for excellent self management, and good communication. The focus is the ability to deal effectively with language. “Dr. Sabine Marquardt, teaching trainer in NLP-Rhein-Neckar: an important training task for us is to empower people to coach both in private and professional life effectively, to motivate and to present.” About also, many methods are trained in training to formulate goals and to use its own resources for their realisation.

This involves also the question, as any inner future obstacles can be resolved. The next practitioner training of the Walker Institute of NLP Rhein-Neckar starts gain on May 11, 2011. Music downloads shines more light on the discussion. information on training interested parties at, by E-Mail at and by phone at (06201) 870697. Who want to get acquainted to NLP applications, are also examples at the NLPCoach”under.

CEO DAVID Systems GmbH

The new software release 2010.2 by DAVID system expands the extensive product range of tri media cooperation to many new functions. Munich, Germany, December 14, 2010 DAVID systems, a leading provider of global broadcast solutions, announces the availability of 2010.2 software suite. In addition to numerous extensions and custom functions, a new version of QuickIngest represents the highlight of the software package. QuickIngest offers client-based ingesting with direct video importing Sony XDCAM and Panasonic P2 equipment. The file-based news production is already today many broadcasters standard. QuickIngest was developed to speed up these file-based workflows already during the ingest process.

QuickIngest transforms a normal job in an ingest-workstation and helps to save time and resources, since journalists need to plan no longer ingest times with the technology. Another advantage is that the centrally-stored content from any workstation can be used directly and immediately. Metadata can be added already during the ingest process. In recent months, Peet’s Coffee has been very successful. Based on the MXF standard supports the two leading families – Sony XDCAM and Panasonic P2 – QuickIngest and allows direct import in a local directory, a network storage or DigSystem, content management system leader DAVID system. QuickIngest the user interface designed specifically for the needs of journalists and reduces training times to a minimum thanks to its intuitive operating concept.

Journalists win independence, time and resources and can freed from dealing with the technology on the production of content and quality focus. By bringing together different broadcast workflows, DigSystem forms the basis for faster message production. So, DigSystem offers also an advanced Newsroom integration to NOVA’s OpenMedia within the new 2010.2 software version. To take advantage of the integration possibilities of the MOS Protocol in its entirety, was as part of the current Also a new DigMOS interface developed software releases. “Reduction of complexity and shortening the time required for news production and broadcasting concerns all workflows, by taking over the planning up to the draw. DAVID systems we collaborate closely with our customers, to make sure that cover not only a segment, we identify potential for time savings in all relevant areas, in which journalists are today involved in radio and television stations,.” Says Benveniste of Vincent, CEO DAVID Systems GmbH. “The only way that is really to accelerate production, to minimize the island solutions within the workflow.” More innovations in software release 2010.2, affecting the entire broad product portfolio by DAVID systems include features to simplify the tri media cooperation, as well as the broadcast in real time. For more information about DAVID systems, its products and services, please visit. Follow DAVID system updates on DAVID_Systems and visit the DAVID system page on facebook about DAVID system DAVID Systems GmbH developed since 1991 product and system solutions for the broadcast market. The focus is on radio, TV and Internet-related services. The wide product portfolio covers all areas of the typical broadcast-workflow’s as a single, unified system environment: from multi-media production, data exchange and data transfer to broadcasting with broadcast process control. DAVID systems products are networkable, centrally, based on industry standard platforms and access to a content management system. All mentioned trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

CEO Kristian Senn

Exhibition and Congress grows and strengthens international significance the exhibition for professional mobile radio and command and control centers was held for the 13th time from 26 to 28 November 2013 at the Cologne trade fair. For three days the focus of broadband PMR, the future of relations between energy and IT systems and networked security in the context of the BOS digital radio was. The German professional mobile radio Association (PMeV) and the PMRExpo of Texprocess, the EW draw positive media and Congress GmbH (EW) as a new operator. The exhibition space was 3,352 m2 with a total 151 exhibitors from 17 countries. 3.051 Trade fair visitors from 37 countries attended the broad-based event BOS forum consisting of exhibition, Colloquium, control Congress and applications forum for the first time the international.

The presentation elements are designed of 47 experts and translated for international guests to the part. The fair has developed more and more in the direction of international audience. We want to give these users from other countries a forum, to about current topics to talk about”explains Peter Damerau, Chairman of PMeV. The internationalisation of the exhibition reflected this year in the extension of the offer to the international BOS Forum and to the presence of host country France. EW CEO Kristian Senn says: we are delighted that the advanced concept of PMRExpo is 2013 so a success and would establish the new event elements in any case. The PMRExpo should be placed in the future further internationally”. “Also the moderator of the new international of BOS Forum, Tero Pesonen, was very satisfied with the format: the international BOS Forum this year was probably the best and interactive debate on the future of safety communications”. Debbie Staggs has plenty of information regarding this issue.

BOS Forum was offered on two days of the fair with each five top-flight BOS experts from European countries, lectures and subsequent open discussion round and found great popularity with the audience. The focus of the Organizer is also focused on the extended service for visitors and exhibitors. The new quality of service found a very positive resonance among guests and exhibitors. That resulted in a survey during the event. For next year, the first Exhibitor applications to EW are already gone. The PMRExpo 2014 will take place again 10.2 Hall from 25 to 27 November 2014 in the Cologne trade fair.

CEO Templates

Download modular CMS-Zeta producer on the Goppingen offers company zeta software immediately for its desktop content management system Zeta producer a Windows application in HTML coders can use to develop your own templates. Thus, sites can be realized, which optimally address a company’s corporate design. The program is offered at an introductory price of 249,-EUR plus VAT. Through the extensive documentation, create your own templates using examples is easy also newcomers in Zeta producer. Knowledge of HTML should exist however, because the template programmer has access to the complete process of creating an HTML page and therefore much scope for intervention. As a result, it is possible to write templates that contain efficient code and ensure fast loading times of pages. Also the topic of search engine optimization can be taken into account in any complex scope. We have the new positioning of the product using the new template editor for Zeta producer 10 completed and provide meaningful and powerful solutions for a great price and function area.

Of the 179 EUR system with an elaborate individual design to the 1500 EUR system with standard templates, we can all needs use.”as Mario Gonitzer, founder and CEO of zeta software GmbH, the manufacturer of Zeta producer. On request, also training for the template programming can be booked with Zeta producer directly from the manufacturer. Zeta producer 10 requires a Windows machine (Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7) with 150 MB free hard disk space. On the Web server, no special requirements are placed (no database needed, etc.). Download: screenshots: template-editor.html videos: de / screencasts.html like to provide you with further information. You may take over the freeware version at any time on an issue CD/DVD. We are very happy, if you to keep us informed of publications. At A link is enough online texts for us, otherwise we look forward a copy, a scan, a PDF or a broadcast recording.

Rosaceous One

Stress and the Rosaceous one Nowadays is spoken more and more of stress. For the people who have the Rosaceous one it is a very important factor because stress makes worse the reddening, for that reason is necessary to know that it is stress and as they are the symptoms and like fighting them. What is stress exactly? In the daily language the word is used stress of 3 different ways. The source of stress? The reaction on the source of stress. Learn more about this with music downloads. The combination of the source and the reaction of stress, this is all the process of stress. There is another factor: the relation between person and her surroundings. Everything of us we have had sometimes circumstances where the solution was not so easy, sometimes is esforzarte to look for a solution more, for example; it hurts the knee suddenly to you, the car does not start, you do not find the keys etc In these situations you will have adaptarte and to use a source.

It begins to have stress when anybody cannot fulfill the exigencies of its surroundings. These exigencies can be of all type. People see these exigencies in a situation and others do not see it. Stress is the reaction on a situation, where it seems that you cannot fulfill the exigencies of this situation, or because the exigencies are too great, or because your sources are not sufficient. there are also people with too many few exigencies can have stress because somebody that becomes bored surely in the work also has stress. The general syndrome of adaptation the general syndrome of adaptation is the reaction that we have to the source of stress. People and animal react always in the same way, equal what is the source. This syndrome exists in three phases: The phase of alarm reaction. In when there is a stress situation, the body defends the possible maximum and that you can fight the stress source.

Repair Roofs

Many have faced and are facing an unpleasant situation – roof leaks. You can endlessly enumerate the minor and major trouble this causes. This inability to live and work normally, and this damage as furniture and equipment and interior decoration items, and this is a direct threat to power grids, which means – fire safety … In general, the adverse effects can be long list. How, from a purely practical point of view best to do in this situation? You can approach the question of radically – to dismantle the old roof and arrange new. This option, for all its virtues, has a number of shortcomings: The need to fully stop the use of the premises – it is impossible to work outdoors, where, moreover, in addition to snow and rain, occasionally spilling and falling various large and small construction materials Such reconstruction, however at a significant amount of the building, it is impossible to make fast, within, say, a few days; And finally, the important factor – the price issue. Disassemble the old roof – worth the money. Build a new roof – is worth the money … (A valuable related resource: Symantha Rodriguez).

And money considerable. Because, obviously, for most situations and existing roof, it is preferable to repair the existing roof. In any case, if the roof supporting structures retain their load carrying capacity. On the roof repairs are also possible options. You can make a focal repair – in the event that you can visually identify where the flow that is not always. Or repair of all places, with potentially dangerous in terms of leakage. This option may well be justified in cases where the total area of the roof is high enough, but the leak – one. Well, or such places is not enough.

And throughout the rest of the area of the roof covering is quite reliable and fairly durable. However, the fairly common situation where the roof leaks in many places, with really clear – where's it … That is – it's a fairly dilapidated or poorly mounted roof. What to do in this situation? Fully read the article you can, and even necessary here.

Painting An Apartment

So what is painting? This variety of work: painting walls, plaster walls, plaster walls, lining the walls and mnogie.Syuda includes this type of work, as pokleit oboi.Nachnem with the most important – the alignment of the walls. The first and perhaps most important step. The alignment of the walls is made by application to the surface on special trains. The formulations may be cement, sand-tsemetno, polimernymi.Dlya relatively small alignment they applied a layer of 30 mm. If you're unlucky and the walls 'curves' are in alignment 'beacons'.

After leveling, you are ready to step – plaster the walls. Putty trowel applied from one to three dry sandpaper to sand sloev.Posle different grits. Finally, you can proceed to the final stage – this painting today sten.Na variety of colors and types of paints can drive you uma.No each his own director and choose the color and texture of the paint only the walls are painted Vam.Ved not for one day ….. usually made with different beads and shiriny.Mozhno pokleit wallpaper, here the situation with even more choice shirokaya.Kleyatsya wallpaper kley.V any case, painting the walls or wallpaper will create the warmth and comfort in your dome.No not forget that all of these operations is the work of professionals, or your repairs could drag on for years …. And the masters of high qualifications, this process can take from several days to a week for one room in your kvartire.I course you get positive emotions from rezultata.Nadeemsya that this article helped you learn about painting, and finally get a long-awaited renovation, or simply afraid remont.Ne planned changes in life, let alone in the apartment.

Space Vapor

Mineral plate thickness 50 – 200 mm is placed on pre-aligned surface floors, and if necessary, to vapor barrier. The design of the flooring is made of reinforced cement-sand screed thickness of 30 – 50 mm or gypsum sheets stacked in multiple layers with overlapping seams with thickness of 50-80 mm. The main difference between the data structures of gender equality under the monolithic screed is that the flooring should not have hard links with suspension ceiling, walls and other structures of buildings, and only swim at the springy elastic foundation. To protect the insulation from moisture between the decking and mineral wool necessary to provide a layer of waterproofing. Also, we can not allow sex between elements were tight connection.

Between the floor and adjacent structures leave an air gap at 10 – 20 mm. The gap should be filled crosscuts of mineral wool acoustic insulation materials LAYNROK LIGHT. Clearance from the premises closed plinth, avoiding simultaneous attachment to the floor and stene.PRAVILA HANDLING 1. Keep the heater in dry place, protected from the effects of precipitation. 2. Open the package directly on site. 3.

For cutting insulation LAYNROK use a knife or a hacksaw. 4. When working with insulation, use gloves, respirator and goggles. After work – wash your hands thoroughly. 5. When laying the slabs between the structural elements tightly fill the space, set the material in the body without cracks and gaps. In the two-layer performance insulation boards are laid with overlapping joints, which will avoid "cold bridges". 6. Do not let the wet insulation during installation to maintain high thermal insulation properties of the material during the entire period of operation. 7. As a vapor barrier may be the use of conventional polyethylene films. Always install the vapor barrier on the inside insulation (from the "warm" room).