Painting An Apartment

So what is painting? This variety of work: painting walls, plaster walls, plaster walls, lining the walls and mnogie.Syuda includes this type of work, as pokleit oboi.Nachnem with the most important – the alignment of the walls. The first and perhaps most important step. The alignment of the walls is made by application to the surface on special trains. The formulations may be cement, sand-tsemetno, polimernymi.Dlya relatively small alignment they applied a layer of 30 mm. If you're unlucky and the walls 'curves' are in alignment 'beacons'.

After leveling, you are ready to step – plaster the walls. Putty trowel applied from one to three dry sandpaper to sand sloev.Posle different grits. Finally, you can proceed to the final stage – this painting today sten.Na variety of colors and types of paints can drive you uma.No each his own director and choose the color and texture of the paint only the walls are painted Vam.Ved not for one day ….. usually made with different beads and shiriny.Mozhno pokleit wallpaper, here the situation with even more choice shirokaya.Kleyatsya wallpaper kley.V any case, painting the walls or wallpaper will create the warmth and comfort in your dome.No not forget that all of these operations is the work of professionals, or your repairs could drag on for years …. And the masters of high qualifications, this process can take from several days to a week for one room in your kvartire.I course you get positive emotions from rezultata.Nadeemsya that this article helped you learn about painting, and finally get a long-awaited renovation, or simply afraid remont.Ne planned changes in life, let alone in the apartment.