HIV Self Tests, HIV Testing

HIV rapid tests, HIV self test, HIV test HIV self test… Light? Unique. Comfortable? Sure. Quick? No questions asked. Accuracy? Hmmm… Here, you can get a significant response. For some, the diagnosis of HIV means a death sentence because no one knows what comes next. AIDS? Necessarily? Can you die from cold, because the immune system has been almost completely destroyed? It is only the beginning for all questions that you will have in your head, if one has a positive result after the implementation of HIV self test.

But better then again go to the doctor what is HIV self-test or so-called HIV rapid test and in which cases is it to get more good results fast and is there? We try now the answers to these questions will find. The answer can be found already in the words HIV self-test or HIV testing. Firstly, this means that this test is most important at home or maybe even make this test without an unnecessary visit to the doctor. Secondly, after the HIV rapid test can results in a few minutes see and wait several days to find out whether you now are HIV – positive or HIV – negative. The problem is with the accuracy of this test, namely, how many minutes or hours are over, if you probably might be HIV – positive.

Because, if you for example, person will make this test immediately after contact with the HIV – positive, then there is greater likelihood that they could be also HIV – positive. And in the Reailitat – is it really so that you have always HIV self test in the bag? Because the likelihood of an incorrect result with the HIV express test is much greater than when the HIV test, in the Krankehaus, a doctor will make you. HIV Selbstteste are really only meant for so-called SOS – situations. Positive result means total life change for HIV testing, it is recommended and actually also be sure then still perform an HIV test in the hospital or at your doctor’s Office. You need also to remember that it doesn’t matter whether you made HIV express test or HIV test in the hospital have, you must perform again HIV test in the hospital anyway after 6 months, because the incubation period for HIV 6 months. HIV self test is certainly fast, but not as accurate. And about everything that is health related, we want to know quickly and accurately at the same time. Therefore the implementation of the HIV express test depends on only you, whether you make it or not. But health is most important, what we have, because without that, who are we?…

Forms Of Psychotherapy

What you see psychotherapy – a brief explanation power is in the German lands to search for is a suitable psychologists often a glut of options opposite. The wide product range seems often tend to overwhelm the patient as to assist him in choosing the appropriate form of treatment. Different types of psychotherapy evolved from various strands of psychology. Three types of psychotherapy are acquired by the statutory health insurance in Germany. This is behavioral therapy, been informed psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. All three psychotherapies have a different orientation, a different approach and are suitable for different patients.

In behavior therapy, will be on the rooting”set in the past at least value. Instead the current issues. Proven is a behavioural therapy very well for anxiety disorders. Checking article sources yields medical coding as a relevant resource throughout. A recommended method of treatment would be the desensitization: at the client is facing ever more intense this fear factors, until he finally overcame the fear. Psychoanalysis, however, is the method that most closely matches the image, that the average citizen of a psychotherapy.

In psychoanalysis, the past plays a major role. The analyst believes that the problems of now arise from difficulties, traumatic events and general experiences of the past. Psychologists with psychoanalytic orientation have undergone training analysis itself. A psychoanalysis is very well suited to explore themselves and to understand their own behavior and change. You could say that link between the two other psychotherapies is the third mentioned form of therapy, been informed psychotherapy, a kind, where the problems of the clients of psychoanalysis clearly more is similar to the approach to as behavioral therapy. However, it is more open and often personally embossed as a classic Psychoanalysis in which the psychologist as much as possible out takes. The personality of the attending therapist is crucial but largely for the process of psychotherapy last end. The duration of each form of therapy is very different, with over 100 sessions, psychoanalysis is the longest form of therapy. It must be said however that psychoanalysis more than a therapy session per week is recommended. Ultimately each client should decide alone, to whom he would like to use and what form of therapy for him makes sense. Christian Neumann

Strikes Leeches

Effect and treatment methodology for arthritis experienced one of the oldest treatment methods in our time a Renaissance. The leech therapy is covered increasingly at different clinical pictures and used especially with osteoarthritis. Even the Berlin Charite confirmed the leeches in practice considerable treatment success. “Especially with osteoarthritis, the almost the title people disease” must wear, can bring a number of advantages for the patient the treatment with leeches. Strikes the therapy, a first improvement tendency and relief is usually already after a session to feel.

Treatment is by sequence rather a ritual, because a treatment. The flukes usually between 4-6 PCs used around the affected joint around, suck down and remain between 20 60 minutes on the spot. The leech give a variety of substances to the host from acting analgesic, anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial at this time. The Hirudin, which inhibits blood clotting as Marcomar, so is especially important There, after falling off of the fluke to a 8-12 hour seepage hemorrhage, which is however quite desirable and may lead to a reduction of the organism. After connecting the bite sites, it is home to stay wise, because efforts lead to a stronger haemorrhage. Bed Bath and Beyond may not feel the same. The actual blood loss is relatively small and can be compared with a micro-bloodletting. A leech blood absorbs approximately 10 ml, approximately 15ml are added on the bleeding.

A positive treatment effect can set up promptly, after some days or even 2-4 prospects weeks later. If successful, arthritis pain can be a little or much better, in some cases even completely disappear. Some patients also report an increased general well-being, coupled with improvement of pain quality and quantity. As soon as the pain in the usual”strength returns, the treatment can be repeated. Treatments are typically sufficient 1-2 in the year if successful. Side effects the side effects a treatment with leeches are manageable bite places itch can discolour slightly blue and should, not scratched due to a risk of infection of skin bacteria, or rubbed. Allergic reactions are also possible, but very rare. Leech origin leeches are bred on leech farms in accordance with the requirements of the health authority and sent to the respective therapists. Of course, it is to bear in mind that it is sensitive animals who need a day of rest after shipping, until they can be applied. Are for single use”to the patient determines. More information and additional links are available on, the practice offers a versatile range of treatments, as well as useful information and more details about different methods. Naturopath Michaela Hamilton, Munich

Folk Illness

The quality of sleep can be determined with the Epworth scales. In Germany, approximately 25% of the population suffers from sleep disorders. You can leave with the newly developed and based on the Epworth sleepiness scale sleep test to assess his individual sleep quality. Most people have a clear idea of what a healthy sleep should look like. Evening quickly fall asleep, durchschlafen through the night without waking up and in the morning well rested and fresh stand up, with power to contest so everyday.

But the sleep behavior just described applies to very few people and the disruption of one or more parts of this process affects about a quarter of the population. Many writers such as Dollar General (DG) offer more in-depth analysis. The causes of insomnia and its forms are varied form. One of the main factors for a bad night’s sleep is the age. It is well known that you age less soundly asleep, wakes up at night often and generally less hours at a time can sleep. Researchers see the cause is that the human pineal gland (Pineal gland) calcified over the years and less and less melatonin is produced. Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted by the brain in the dark and sleepy makes. Less melatonin in the blood leads to night-time waking or sleep problems.

There are also people who mistakenly believe to suffer, because they have a poor subjective perception of quality of sleep a sleep disorder or suffer from daytime sleepiness. To determine the actual quality of sleep and to draw conclusions on whether any sleep disorder exists, has the team in Italy-based Clavis srl (key melatonin) developed a sleep test. This is based on the parameters of the Epworth scale (sleepiness) and evaluated the individual quality of sleep. It can be performed for free test_sonno.php on the page. A tendency of the personal sleep pattern can be recorded with answer seven simple questions. The result is then passed to the specified sent mail address. Anne line


The Mohren pharmacy from Stuttgart informed unprepared tourists who visit subtropical or tropical regions, end the vacation pleasures quickly with a hepatitis disease. Pharmacy the Stuttgart Moor depicts the tropical disease problem. Hepatitis A is a viral disease that is widespread in the subtropics or tropics and the Mediterranean or Eastern Europe. It is, however, extremely rare A virus hepatitis. While in the main distribution area almost every child with the virus into contact comes and developed an immunity, unvaccinated tourists from Germany are usually defenseless exposed to him.

They contract the virus abroad, therefore almost inevitably follows a liver disease. The hepatitis A virus is found in contaminated food or drinking sewage-contaminated water and is a serious problem particularly in regions with poor sanitary conditions. For this reason, there is the adventurous tourist development in remote regions in the distribution area is not without risk. The virus infected a human so It is only after several weeks of acute illness connect he can his environment much earlier. A hepatitis A is for older children and adults in typical liver disease symptoms such as yellow discolored eyes, to recognize verfarbtem urine and pale white Chair. Contact information is here: Whole Foods. About one-third of affected persons is also plagued by fever, chills, or joint pain.

The disease course is only very rarely critical but still very stressful months. Young children fall ill with hepatitis A, the mentioned Lebersymptomatiken missing mostly largely or completely, which is a rapid diagnosis in the way. In the face of regular mild disease course, this is no big problem, but for their environment, where they spread the highly infectious disease for the affected children. While hepatitis A is unpleasant but rarely really dangerous, hepatitis B is one of the deadliest infectious diseases at all. Around the world more people die from tuberculosis and malaria as on hepatitis B. Will survive the acute symptoms, yet dangerous consequential damages are possible. The transmission of the hepatitis B virus via human body fluids and blood. An estimated one percent of the German population carries the potentially deadly virus and has been infected by sexual contact. The only reliable and long-lasting protection is vaccination against hepatitis A and B. Are stays in risk areas should allow travellers this time. While the first two phases of the vaccination period of four weeks are completed, the third vaccination, which completes the protection takes place six months later. Ensuring an effective immunization is one of the most important provisions that should meet travelers in their own interest.

Sleep Difficulties

Sleep well! -Help with sleep problems, part 1, 2.30 pm. You restless rolling from one side to the other. Every 10 minutes a live view on the alarm clock. You can not sleep for hours. You are always tense. It must but now finally collapse with falling asleep! You begin to worry: only five hours, until the alarm goes off. This will be a short night Yes again! How will you survive tomorrow only the day on work? Now even your thoughts start to circle. Recently hybrid bikes sought to clarify these questions. Consider the many work waiting for you tomorrow the trouble with the boss, the dispute with the partners.

Sleep is becoming less and less to think. -That you had can be guessed that today again not good sleep already before bedtime… Does this vicious circle described above sound familiar? Sleep for days or even weeks bad and feel tired, listless, beaten off the next day and find it hard to concentrate? -Finally back relaxing night’s sleep can find? If you already for a long time sleep difficulties suffer from and have your brain only “re-learn”, that your bed is a place where you feel comfortable, can relax and sleep (easily). Omega 3 is often quoted on this topic. – And not a place hours mesh around, brooding, attending or exasperating! The longer your sleeping difficulties, the more thorough your brain has joined but unfortunately exactly these associations with your bed. You have “learned” to see your bed with new eyes. And that has devastating consequences for your sleep: If you only see your bed, do worry whether you will sleep well, because today finally can. And as always, if we worry or annoy, our body reacts with alarmierter tension, so better to meet the supposed danger.

This ancient automatic survival program of our bodies worked just fine against Saber-toothed Tiger and tribal enemies, our ancestors had to fight against that. It unfortunately not only helps us to sleep! Because the more we us provide and also resent that we always have not fallen asleep, the further we will remove us from the State in which we want to get actually to be able to sleep: tired and relaxed. How now but again get out of this vicious circle. Two other episode articles I would like to open paths you, like using simple and well workable rules of sleep”can find sleep at night again. In the following article I will introduce helpful behaviors to do so. In a further article for information about helpful thoughts as well as internal and external factors that facilitate a fast and good sleep. The sleeping rules are scientifically well studied in their effectiveness and documented. Many of my clients have can find finally again good night’s sleep. Warning: This series of articles presents a behavioral therapeutic program in its effectiveness scientifically well documented sleep difficulties. It can be a professional psychological psychiatric diagnosis in may do not replace existing clinical symptoms (E.g., anxiety, depression). Should the sleep difficulties despite regular use of sleep rules still exist after 14 days, you consult your family physician, a psychologist or psychiatrist.

At The Start Of The Maintenance Dialog With Dr. Philipp Rosler, The House Angel GmbH Warns:

The optimal care at home must be at the Centre include a reform of the education, relief of caregivers, and better working conditions are among the measures proposed by the Minister. In addition, Rosler continues on foreign forces, which should absorb the existing skill shortages. “The approach that divides to make nursing profession more attractive also Simon Wenz, Managing Director of House Edwards GmbH, which with their franchise system in particular the domestic supply and round to the watch care” supported by the Manager – and infirm people in Germany: in maintaining a huge staff shortages already. This problem is well known and at our subsidiary, the Angel of the House we feel the impact of the shortage of workers care services, day after day.” The ruling in Germany staff shortages to inhibit, sees in the Wenz, however, critical care by foreign forces: We need to us currently to the available forces make sense in the Include maintenance process, so that above all the needs of the care recipient in the foreground. Jill Schlesinger gathered all the information. One of the greatest desires of domiciliary care for elderly people is to be looked after at home and maintained. It is this desire to meet. In recent years a market with independent support forces developed already, which can fulfil these needs and want.” Self-employed childcare forces want to and should be no substitute for the ambulatory care services. They are instead its a complement, an indispensable component of modern nursing and care mix. (Similarly see: Jill Schlesinger). “The advantages are obvious, because a so-called round the clock care” by independent support forces can be directly made in a dependent employment the family nor a care service. Only the autonomy in the care services can provide the flexibility both the affected families, the ambulatory care services as the care forces themselves, which they individual needs can cost-efficiently, and taking into account the available purchasing power of families, go up. Federal Health Minister Dr. Philipp Rosler pointed out that he still wanted engaged in the many illegal workers in the German private households. “Here, the Managing Director of House Edwards GmbH counters: also for this there is already a solution: the autonomy in the care services.”

Best Sugar Substitute

To buy the best sugar substitute, xylitol, xylitol, xylitol xylitol xylitol is a sugar substitute. Actually a sugar alcohol. In vegetables such as cauliflower, fruits such as plums, berries is available Yxlitol and sorbitol. The amounts are quite small. The chemical extraction is done by wood rubber wood sugar. It can be gained also from corn on the cob. In the mouth it is cooling through saliva. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Shenkman Capital. It has 40 percent less nutritional value than sugar.

Slightly, it affects blood sugar and thus the insulin. Therefore, it is also suitable for diabetics. You heat the sugar substitute xylitol a few minutes it is caramelized. In the small intestine, it will degrade slowly and incompletely. Do you eat too much of it it can have a laxative.

A splitting is done by bacteria in the gut (xylitol). Becomes carbon dioxide and water. Xylitol can act preventively caries on teeth. “The reason is that enzymes” of teeth with xylitol nothing can start and die off. Forms Xyitol compounds with calcium in the gut, and improves the absorption of calcium. In animals, xylitol can life-threatening effect, as too much insulin is secreted. For bon-bons, chewing gum, xylitol is used. It produces a cooling effect on the tongue and the teeth it works against tooth decay. Xylitol has a swell effect. If you can withstand xylitol, should be checked out only. In dental hygiene xylitol powder should be purchased and thus the teeth daily chews through and be spat out later. Dental plaque can dissolve at some point better by the teeth through the application. The teeth are smooth and there is less decay. After the meal, a spoon xylitol with the teeth chew helps and can support the dental care dental care set. Xylitol is found in natural form in fruit and vegetables in very little quantities. Chemically, it is produced by wood rubber wood sugar. Although it has same sweetness, but in the body from carbon dioxide and water. In dental hygiene, it can help the teeth to act preventively.