Sleep Difficulties

Sleep well! -Help with sleep problems, part 1, 2.30 pm. You restless rolling from one side to the other. Every 10 minutes a live view on the alarm clock. You can not sleep for hours. You are always tense. It must but now finally collapse with falling asleep! You begin to worry: only five hours, until the alarm goes off. This will be a short night Yes again! How will you survive tomorrow only the day on work? Now even your thoughts start to circle. Recently hybrid bikes sought to clarify these questions. Consider the many work waiting for you tomorrow the trouble with the boss, the dispute with the partners.

Sleep is becoming less and less to think. -That you had can be guessed that today again not good sleep already before bedtime… Does this vicious circle described above sound familiar? Sleep for days or even weeks bad and feel tired, listless, beaten off the next day and find it hard to concentrate? -Finally back relaxing night’s sleep can find? If you already for a long time sleep difficulties suffer from and have your brain only “re-learn”, that your bed is a place where you feel comfortable, can relax and sleep (easily). Omega 3 is often quoted on this topic. – And not a place hours mesh around, brooding, attending or exasperating! The longer your sleeping difficulties, the more thorough your brain has joined but unfortunately exactly these associations with your bed. You have “learned” to see your bed with new eyes. And that has devastating consequences for your sleep: If you only see your bed, do worry whether you will sleep well, because today finally can. And as always, if we worry or annoy, our body reacts with alarmierter tension, so better to meet the supposed danger.

This ancient automatic survival program of our bodies worked just fine against Saber-toothed Tiger and tribal enemies, our ancestors had to fight against that. It unfortunately not only helps us to sleep! Because the more we us provide and also resent that we always have not fallen asleep, the further we will remove us from the State in which we want to get actually to be able to sleep: tired and relaxed. How now but again get out of this vicious circle. Two other episode articles I would like to open paths you, like using simple and well workable rules of sleep”can find sleep at night again. In the following article I will introduce helpful behaviors to do so. In a further article for information about helpful thoughts as well as internal and external factors that facilitate a fast and good sleep. The sleeping rules are scientifically well studied in their effectiveness and documented. Many of my clients have can find finally again good night’s sleep. Warning: This series of articles presents a behavioral therapeutic program in its effectiveness scientifically well documented sleep difficulties. It can be a professional psychological psychiatric diagnosis in may do not replace existing clinical symptoms (E.g., anxiety, depression). Should the sleep difficulties despite regular use of sleep rules still exist after 14 days, you consult your family physician, a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Spandauer Neustadt

“Promotion means variety!”? means to attract people to address them at eye level, to reach out and to invite them to participate. Berlin, 30.07.13? Under this motto, Caiju e.V. with its network and cooperation partners launches the days of craft in Spandau on August 1 for the third time. The successful project series, which is based on the nationwide day of action “Day of the craft”, will not only continue, but extends also to his previous extent. In five different projects from the beginning!, early exercise itself!, neighborhood insights!, at eye level! and hand in hand! Caiju combines the topics education, training, professional diversity and craft. The project would enable children, young people, residents and interested parties insight into the different work and life worlds of craft, provide information & advice, open the doors to local workshops and show, what is there, in particular in the Spandauer Neustadt, to discover. In the framework of the nationwide Action day set on 21 September 2013 the various projects by days of craft under the title of variety – be diverse! on the market square in the Spandauer Altstadt before. In addition, the local arts and crafts, educational institutions and other social projects get the opportunity to present themselves on the spot. Visitors can learn about the colorful, creative and diverse craftsman landscape in Spandau and get to know them. For more information, from 1 August 2013 at and in the accompanying presentation of the project.


How to holiday to reduce your pace In everyday life is you little time to switch off? How often do you yearn for vacation? Is the holiday there and what happens then? You are completely out of step. No fixed date in the calendar. Is the mobile phone suspiciously quiet does it still? The day begins with a hearty breakfast. Time for family and friends. Evening relaxed round off the day, enjoy the peace… That sounds good, in theory. And what about the practice? Her thoughts revolve everything going well? And if you still need me? Should I call times? If this customer is registering now? I need to check least emails…” Internally, they are perhaps uneasy. Relaxation should feel differently.

From 100 to 0 who constantly in everyday life is in full swing, which can shut down not by right now on and switch to standby mode. Suddenly, time in abundance available stands. Just do anything that trouble many people. Instead of using the time for the longed-for recovery, you can not leave but it. Here and there only times fast… You will need downtime to keep your performance, that you know.

But let’s face it: What do already in everyday life, so that you can turn off at night? How do you refuel new energy? When show the red card to the appointment of hustle and bustle? To begin, only in the holiday, which can be a challenge. But better than never to start. Lay your work not only for 2 3 weeks, but new recharge! To start motivated and powerful in the second half of the year. Maybe you are among the people who believe: in my job you have just never really holidays. My customers or colleagues expect that I’m available. Who wants to be successful, must also in the vacation work.”or, or, or? How do you permanently then remain dynamic and keep your commitment? Use the right strategy: 7 tips 1 consider in a timely manner, what you urgently need you to do: release of a project report, open offers, appointments etc.

Best Summer Dishes

Brunch outdoors 2013 Bremen – the summer trend In the summer is sitting back outside, keep a cool drink in hand, and brunch with friends. For even more details, read what Digital Cameras says on the issue. Many restaurants offer great brunches, but on terms which are in times of saving with the wallet in line. Who wants to give but still not sure and want to align yourself a small food event, sometimes don’t know, what all is needed. First of all the question where it should take place, is because eventually the host needs a location for its guests and as a garden, a terrace or a very large balcony would are perhaps good. But then, what does the more design next, how does and what dishes fit for a summer brunch? Are also vegetarians or even diabetics on their cost? All these questions are answered by the authors of contactor and Bajpai in her community work on party with brunch. For years, both authors deal with a healthy Kohl hydrate poor diet, she is known by the English name of low carb. In this book, the authors present a low carb Brunch for 10 persons with the appropriate shopping list.

All recipes are carbohydrate-poor designed and created with lots of flavor. By low carb seeds bread low-carbohydrate hot and cold dishes, as well as easy desserts sweetened with stevia everything belongs to a healthy and delicious brunch – enjoy at home and properly enjoy your own low carb party wish the authors. Book: Low carb party – baking in glass brunch with shopping list (also vegetarian) authors: Jutta Schutz and Sabine Bajwa Publisher: books on demand GmbH, Norderstedt ISBN 978-3-7322-3250-5 EURO 8.90 page number: 104 E-BOOK ISBN 978-3-8482-8445-0 EURO 6.99 more low carb cooking and baking books, as well as interesting Advisor, visit the Web sites of the authors of contactor and Bajwa. Web addresses: and company portrait: the author Bajpai was born in 1964 and lives with her Family in Bremen. Several years, she worked in the food industry. The Bremen district court it was deployed for more than 20 years as a caregiver for a disabled person. Currently, she looked after elderly people and besides, writes as former colon patient, books with own testimonials and about the form of nutrition low carb low-carbohydrate diet.

Much Speech Preparation

When the speech to audience: practice makes masters often one hears even experienced speaker: no, I am on my speeches not preparing. When I speak freely, my speeches seem more spontaneous and relaxed.” But most speakers and audience perceive very differently this looseness and spontaneity. For more information see this site: SLAC. While the speaker is especially cool when speaking, the listener will understand only station. Apropo station: A particularly striking example of the gap between self-perception and perception provides the famous speech by Edmund Stoiber to the Transrapid route from Munich Central station to the Franz-Josef-Strauss airport. Who wants to make a good speech, must thoroughly prepare his speech and thoroughly studying this. This is true even: more thoroughly to prepare a speech and the more intense, the speaker rehearsed his text before the speech show, ever looser the speech sounds at the end. A speechwriter can work out the speech manuscript for the speaker.

However, each speaker must practice his speech itself. The their speech practice really good speakers again and again and again. Cried as Martin Luther King, Jr. in August 1963 in Washington before the Lincoln Memorial of a quarter of a million people I have a dream”, this was not his first attempt. Indeed, he had held this speech already many times. King knew, had to where he lift the voice, and where he cut them.

He knew where he had to take breaks, so that his words had the desired effect. He had tried several times all rhetorical figures and knew which sets would trigger enthusiasms in the audience. Martin Luther King was one of the greatest orators in the history. But each of us is experiencing the benefit of exercise in the spoken communication with other people every day. We all found some formulations in the course of our life, of which we know that they work. Ever we want to appear relaxed, the more we rely on words that we have tested in everyday life, no matter whether we authority call, ask a friend for a favor or confidently flirt want. As well is it in an address to the audience. Each speaker must test how arrive its formulations in the audience. As well, including the comedians do it. You do not equate itself with a new gag before a large audience. No one can predict precisely the audience will laugh at what jokes. About comedians test their programs several times in the small circle before they thus appear before a large audience. As each speaker should make whether he or she wants to win a vote, congratulates a bridal couple or inaugurates the new Club House in the garden settlement there. Experienced speech writer to say: the more frequently a speaker rehearses his appearance, ever more spontaneously he will sound.

Download Center

Complex planning process of a fair participation Advisor is simplified by the to make the fair successfully, numerous planning steps in the preparation must be made, and many decisions must be made even during the trade fair. Starting from the selection of the correct fair up to the successful trade fair stand concept as well as the structure of the fair system reach the planning steps. But even the personnel and the trade fair follow-up need to be organized, so that after the fair, the work is still not long enough. With proper planning, the complex process of preparation of a fair participation can be enormously relieved and lead to a smooth running. So that each step is taken into account, help fair – Advisor to take all factors into account, they are still too small. Ranging from the selection of the appropriate State concept to trade fair follow-up extends the range of guides and checklists, and thus provides the appropriate basis for each planning area. Epax may also support this cause. The platform offers all the information around the mobile exhibit.

In addition to the mobile fair systems, the platform with the Download Center provides a competitive edge because all guides, check lists, statistics, and catalogues in the Download Center conveniently and easily can be downloaded. With one click, all essential information are thus directly and stored always ready to hand on the machine. The spectrum of the begins Advisor in developing a concept of the State as well as the stand design. The location and the size of the stand are central basic components, who dictate the design. Following, the question must be clarified, whether one opts for a fair system, mobile presentation systems or conventional trade fair building. The differences which separate the three ranges, are an interesting white paper on Then, the design of the fair system must be set.

Even if not to argue about taste can be, so the design must take into account some basic elements. In addition to the decisive guiding principle, the exhibits and To provide services at the Center, the murals as well as the soil, light and if necessary must be included the ceiling in the design. The point of interaction should not be forgotten, because just at the booth, the use of digital elements is important to maximize the limited space and the limited period. The list of major donors of the Council continues with the use of the stand personnel. The staff include not only its employees, but also the fair hostesses and staff in catering. Therefore, the complete personnel must be trained because every single employee for success is responsible. In particular hostess and the reception staff are often the person about the first contact takes place, so that the factor of success is often underestimated by well trained hostesses. But even after the end of the mass, the work is still not long enough. The trade fair follow-up is one of the biggest success factors, since only about 10% of the visitors with a specific intent to purchase come to a fair. With a structured Contact sheet, each conversation can be documented and fully completed. In the you will find a such contact sheet as a pattern Guidebook for a successful wrap-up. All other guides and information, visit. There, the Download Center in addition to the checklists offers many more content that can be downloaded with a single click.


Perhaps many have heard this so popular phrase must not invent the warm water, which means that if a process is well researched you should take advantage of that and not waste your time and effort unless you were a researcher in this area and want to innovate or make another contribution, but in this case this would be their main activity, if you have fish breeding is logical to use what is available and seek to improve current methods. When you know that there is a great experience in certain area, you must follow the teachings of the people who know, follow the advice of competent people. Many people fail because guided by those who have never had experience in what they are undertaking and you can learn to trial and error, but it is much more efficient to do so with appropriate guidelines, you will always find obstacles but you will have a clearer mind to overcome them. Once I heard this phrase who does not learn from its mistakes, is a fool; who learns from their mistakes, is intelligent; but who learns of the errors of others, he is a genius, the best position is to learn from others, why you should model your goal based on winners. In the book the secret of the power of goals is teaches us how to set goals that if they work, seems easy, but if we do not find the appropriate way of linking our desire with the subconscious mind everything turns into a warm desire that do not have sufficient energy to materialize, in this book you will discover the techniques to internalize their desires and get the power of the mind to act in your favorYou’ll defeat all obstacles that separate success, now means that fate is in your hands and write it at your convenience. You must not fall into the mistakes that others have already made, so before defining clearly what you want is important to investigate, to analyze what side effects will bring you achieving your goal, are really willing to pay the price required to achieve it? The basis of all achievement is motivation, the inner impulse that always tells us, forward!, let’s move!, se puede!, others could, I also!, when achieved it I will feel happy, happy and free!, etc. That inner strength beyond words as Andrew Corentt says in his book the secret of the power of the goals, while reading this book can use his inner strength in complete harmony with your desires, you will understand and apply the operation of the agreements with our subconscious, just mind the subconscious mind is influenced through stealthy techniquesin your hands are those techniques, to achieve what you want, visit:

Times More Important

A setting is not something that has to be left RID randomly, otherwise, is one of the most important factors on which depends the success of an event. Identify a style in the atmosphere is what makes it genuine and that the guests feel that really created a space for them and for you 1. Define the purpose of the event the aim is based on creating a climate, a feeling: what we want to feel our guest? What a concept we want transmit to our honoured tracked?. The atmosphere is directly linked to the spirit of the event. 2. The reason for the event: what is the reason or type of event.

Social events: weddings, or weddings, 15 years, baptism, communion, birthday, bar mitzvah, births, meetings of friends corporate events: presentation of a product (books, works of art). the inauguration of a place, a fashion show a political act, an informative talk, a Congress or Convention, a presentation of diplomas, a church, temple or chapel. The list is innumerable and the reason for the event is related to the objective, to achieve the style-3 together. The style of the event depending on then the reason and purpose of the event is created style. For this factors as the party’s theme, the ages of guests, the food to serve, the shows, the place shall be taken into account and they will work in conjunction with the event organizer. 4 Physical space metric space, determines the location of elements, how shall be what places are highlighted 5. The number of people, the flow of people if there is food, if they sit down to eat, or bandejean, which implies that the people standing or sitting. 6.

Lighting if it is day not included lighting provided it is outdoors. If it is night light plays a very important role for example candles create a warm and even romantic, climate also lights (pin) direccionalas about certain elements to highlight. 7 Duration conditions when handling certain technical matters to the way in which we work on the flowers. For example, if the flowers are going to be without water how much will last? And what we can use and which are not. Another example if candles are of the same duration. We hope that this information has been useful, if you have doubts you can visit us at or send your comments to original author and source of the article.


The majority of people ever have had or have problems with our weight, and we have needed to burn fat. However, no diets, work to all persons for various reasons (because they tire, is discouraged, your body adapts, or simply cheat). That is why it is good to have other alternatives for weight loss. Slimming more economical alternatives include infusions of herbs. There are of course many plants with effects diuretics, laxatives, which decrease cholesterol and even help reduce anxiety.

All these effects have an impact in a cleansing of the body and decrease the compulsion for food, so help to lose weight. Almost all drink in teas. The most effective examples are: the you red, fennel, Chamomile, the arenaria and fucus vessiculosus, an algae that is also sold as pills to lose weight. And speaking of pills, although they constitute alternatives to lose weight very effective and valid, they must be taken with restrictions, since some have strong contraindications. Although there is the possibility of acquiring the pills over the internet, those that are controlled use should be recommended by a health care professional, or at least the consumer should attend regular medical checks, since many may have effects on blood pressure, heart, central nervous system and other vital organs. Hear from experts in the field like hybrid bikes for a more varied view.

Alternatives to lose weight more radical and more expensive, both economic and physical, are the liposuctions and stomach reduction surgery, also known as Gastric Bypass. The latter constitute a last resort and applied to 50 people with a higher body mass index BMI = is a way to calculate if we are obese using our weight (P) based on our (A) height. BMI = (M) / (Kg) P2. It leads to losing much weight because at the beginning the diet is almost fluid and food are progressively incorporated. However, after the bypass you most likely need to suffer another surgery to remove the excess fat and skin, especially if he has lost much weight. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is the most important thing that you read. Now Click here. Original author and source of the article.


Sometimes jewelry like us so much that we want him to practice at home. Little by little we have some tools and basic equipment. And as others you must have begun their small creations with silver. One of the most common problems when it comes to welding pieces of silver are those gray stains that remain around the weld area. Achieved with a few instructions remove stains from the fire at la plata. The method of the Flux: A pasta stain known as flux can not help especially when working in large or medium-sized pieces. The method consists of applying Flux in the entire piece to weld at a distance of between 5 to 10 mm around the point to be welded.

The idea is that the rest of the area lost contact with oxygen to prevent rusting, causing stains above all by the presence of copper in silver. Of course that also apply to the normal Flux in the welding point, avoiding at all costs that the two areas of flux otherwise join welding shall extend to where you do not want. The color of a diamond can be yellow, Brown, white or other colors. But the vast majority are of a color rather than clear or yellow because intense colors are extremely rare.The more clear is the highest diamond usually its price. However, if the daily contains rare color t0nalidades can have more value. The color of the skin of the person who carries elanillo with diamonds can also alter the feeling of the color of the diamond. A ring with diamond on a dark skin can do seem more clear stone. When buying a white color diamonds to be observed on a white background. The reason is that a black background can make appear as white yellow diamond rings. The method of polishing: before any stain polishing is also a good resource, always and when the thickness of the workpiece allow since he must Polish more than normal.