The CANDIDACY OF a BRAZILIAN To the FAO (ORGANIZATION OF UNITED NATIONS FOR the FEEDING AND AGRICULTURE) Robert Ramalho is journalist, researcher, blogueiro and studious in substance of international subjects experienced Jose Graziano, candidate of Brazil the direction of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and Alimentao (FAO), attacked Spain for having presented proper candidate commands to occupy it of the organism and denounces treason of the European country. In interview to the El periodical Country, Jose Graziano left clearly that Spanish government did not like the attitude that promises it support to Brazil and, months later, presented the Spanish former-chancellor Miguel Angel Moratinos as its candidate. The elections are marked to occur in June of this year. However, all the five candidates who concur for the rank had presented its programs of government to the countries of the entity, hosted in Rome and the Brazilian was what more he made an impression and if detached among all the competitors. Beyond the candidate of Brazil, Jose Graziano and of Spain Miguel Moratinos, has others three candidates – an iraqi, an Iranian and a representative of Indonesia.

However, they do not have possibility against the Brazilian and the Spaniard. Jose Graziano is presented by the El periodical Country as frank favourite person or thing to choose the next director to the FAO and what he would have more possibilities to obtain the necessary votes between the 133 poor countries of the FAO. Jose Graziano is seen as the father of Hunger Zero and guaranteed, in the interview granted to the Spanish periodical, that has all the support of Latin America, the Caribbean and countries of Portuguese language. As if he informs in the half diplomatists, its experience would become it an obvious choice for the position. But the entrance in game of Miguel Moratinos created uncertainties the candidacy and election of Jose Graziano.

King Frederick VI

Discovery of a comet (1847 VI) Using a telescope he discovered what is now called “Miss Mitchell’s Comet” (Comet 1847 VI, according to modern designation is C/1847 T1) in autumn 1847. Some years earlier, King Frederick VI of Denmark established a prize consisting of a gold medal for which discovered a “telescopic comet” (the time it was discovered to the naked eye were essentially). The prize would be awarded to whoever first discovered (it is often noted that comets were discovered by more than one person). Whenever Jack Fusco listens, a sympathetic response will follow. She aimed at the achievement of this award, since only one woman had previously been to discover a comet and was Caroline Herschel. There is a temporary question of priority in the discovery of the comet and the astronomer Francesco de Vico used two days later, just before it reported that Maria Mitchell, but in 1848 King Fededico VII.

. Costco often says this.

Latin America

These terrible figures threaten one of the Millennium Development Goals proposed by the United Nations, that is, to a poverty level to 50% of which was booked in 1990. In the case of Latin America, the World Bank reported in March that would 6,000,000 people rising to the extreme poverty in 2009, which means it would take no less than two years of stable economic growth to recover from this situation, which is unlikely given the current economic landscape level regional and global levels. The effects of the crisis slowed and even set back the progress that had been made in recent years in Latin America in terms of employment and improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, as a result of sustained growth of hemispheric economies and better social policies .

It is noted that currently live in Latin America about 70 million people in extreme poverty, which represents about 13% of the total population of the region. Among the factors contributing to this figure, and none of them of course is benefited by the crisis include increased malnutrition, school dropouts and increasing in many areas lack basic health care, and public trial. The global crisis got only intensify these problems and stop the advance, although slowly, towards Latin America was making life better definitely. Currently a study conducted by ECLAC indicates that the international crisis, which hit with force to most Latin American countries, with regional GDP dropping 1.9% in 2009, driven into poverty this year to other nine million Latin Americans, according to report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Salvation Bank

In today's economic crisis, a popular solution is the exchange between the depositors of banks and borrowers of loans. Many savings accounts are now frozen. Money back hard. Do not envy those who managed to take the credit, since his return with each passing day it becomes increasingly difficult. Some contend that financial planner shows great expertise in this. And banks, meanwhile, did not know what to do with the property that they withdraw from defaulters of loans. In this situation, many are finding out in mutually beneficial exchange. One possible option: the investor repays the debt of the borrower and the bank, in turn, provides a flat, which raised money and people, to open a deposit. But the version of such an exchange is possible only in if the apartment belongs to the bank.

Sometimes, several contributors agree, and change their contributions to one apartment. The sum of exchangeable contribution must be equal or exceed the value of the apartment. Here barter plays a greater role. It is not always such vzaimorasschety equally beneficial to both parties and for the bank, but, nevertheless, significantly help to solve the problem. Exchange of goods and services to some extent displaces the process of sale. The popularity of buy and barter exchanges.

But in this case willing to bargain face mediation. Because on the exchanges of exchange occurs with the help of brokers. It's not very profitable – brokers charge a fee for their services. Now to barter is very convenient through Internet Projects, where you can find the necessary proposal for free or advertise himself. Newspaper ads enter headings for the exchange, there are new internet projects. For example, the site only the first day came more than 1000 ads. Some experts worry that switching to barter can negatively affect the economy. After by barter is not possible to pay taxes, wages of hired workers. However, most believe that the situation 90 years. Where even salaries issued by barter, to be repeated.

School Coaches

But the question is not whether to make you a few steps toward Reformation, and how quickly stopped. Where does the desire ‘to treat and help all’? The reasons can be many. Very often, this unmet need for recognition and gratitude or a desire to say to myself ‘I’m good because I helped a man ‘(which, incidentally, is also associated with the recognition of) What’s the risk? When you become a psychologist, everywhere and always, it eventually kills the self-reflective and creates the illusion of ‘omnipotence’ and on this your professional development stops. And the job without requiring in most cases simply do not help a person – he or replace all the words out of his mind, or will drive the problem deeper and farther, but still aggression may respond if the psychologist really gets to the root of the problem. And most importantly, when the psychology of your life becomes too much, she can just get tired – as tired of almost everything consumed long and in very large quantities of what to do? One of the most remarkable examples antideformatsii I have often before your eyes – it’s my fellow therapist. Very attentive and professional in work outside study, few people can generally assume that this person is a psychologist.

He poisons stories and anecdotes are not talking about psychology in general and just lives – like most ordinary people. It clearly separates the profession and life. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jack Fusco on most websites. I think that the danger deform he negligible. I have done myself, when I caught myself on trying to ‘cure’? Abruptly switched the subject to something very simple and unpretentious. If a man tried to continue the theme, I discreetly went to the topic still under the pretext of some fatigue from work and the desire just to talk about abstract themes.

It usually worked. NAT, chtozanimayuseelichnostnym growth thoughts. “Yanetrener, yamuzhchina – skazalya myself isvidanieproshlootlichno Psychology – great science and it can help a huge number of people. But if you use it every minute of his life, then life can become dull and monotonous, filled with only advisory and training sessions. Someone from the experienced leading probably can tell by reading the text: it is not true for me, this is for beginners. I myself thought just as long as several times not witnessed as a group of psychologists (coaches or therapists), without any request for a ‘cured’ of his colleagues – has consistently and relentlessly)) Adrugayamoyaznakomaya, molodoypsiholog even , vspominalaklassikov (kogdaona protsitirovalPlatona, yabylvpechatlen). psychology etookazalosochen, very trudnymzanyatiem. Psychology – it is only part of life, although it is very important. But not all of life. Let us live and colleagues Continues to move!

Spring Lake Garda

One of the most romantic places in the north of Italy – Verona. Of course, such a romantic, he did Shakespeare. A large number of tourists who visit every day, nothing nondescript house on Via Cappello, 23, trying to stick the notes on romantic Arch at home, hurrying to 'rub Juliet' for the breast and to be photographed on the famous balcony. But not only the house of Juliet makes this city special romance – Verona, you can take at least 2 days and this city will leave you the most vivid memories. Craig Jelinek has much experience in this field. Lake Garda – this is, above all, stunning natural surroundings, views, sunrises and sunsets. Mountains and, of course, a village that surrounds the lake and each of which contributes to its flavor, its own special contribution. Torri del Benaco and Malcesine, Salo and Riva del Garda. Each of these towns has its own history, its atmosphere.

Stroll along the quiet back streets, dinner at one of the many restaurants right on the lake. Sirmione – a special and stunningly beautiful town on the shore of Garda. In addition to the famous castle, so to we are talking about romance, you should pay attention to the SPA. The huge complex, right on the lake, a great opportunity to relax by 120%. Lake Garda you can spend at least 5 days, and every time you will find how to use your time. And of course, impossible to talk about the north of Italy, without mentioning Venice. Venice is not a symbol of romance. Venice, this is very romantic. Every street, every bridge, every home of this wonderful, beautiful and romantic cities you remembered as a 'top' of romance and will give your romantic trip a special, unique, 'Venetian supplement'. Romantic trip to northern Italy, you will remember for years to come! With a similar route of travel to northern Italy, as well as tips and more information about Lake Garda, Verona and Venice – you can find on the site – Lake Garda

Jose Altuve

The Dodgers were outhit 12-6. It had been each day to forget for Billingsley (2-1), who joined the overall game undefeated after three straight quality along with a 1.33 ERA begins. Do have ended after just 3 1-3 innings, getting two runs within the 4th permitted? including one on the wild pitch? and left the mound with runners in the beginning and third. Do Billingsley threw in the towel nine runs? five of these gained? on four hits. He struck out two and walked four. It did not come out excellent, Inch Dodgers manager Don Mattingly stated of Billingsley s outing. I t wasn’t as sharp as I have s been the very first two excursions. That made an appearance apparent from the beginning.

Billingsley threw in the towel at 2-run homer to Carlos Lee within the first inning as well as an inning later offered up a cutter that Schafer converted into his first-career grand slam after Ethier unsuccessful to create the issue in the wall. It had been just the second grand slam permitted by Billingsley in the seven-year major league career, one arriving prior the 2008 against Adam LRoche and Pittsburgh. It expected my glove quickly, Ethier stated from the ball that gave the Astros a 6 – lead. I transported a bit farther I type of under-leaped, too, since i did not think it had been going that far and that i did not wish to over-hop on it. Billingsley s alternative, Jamey Wright, finished the 4th although not before Schafer obtained from third on the forceout grounder by J.D. Martinez off to really make it 9 – Astros. It s difficult to pitch when you are not receiving in front of players, Billingsley stated.

It s one of individuals days you just need to grind through it. Regrettably, I could not grind that lengthy. It is a lengthy season. Billingsley experienced rigidity in the groin after his previous start Tuesday, but stated it had not been an problem from the Astros. I simply could not throw strikes, he stated. Astros catcher Jason Castro singled off Wright within the fifth they are driving in Chris Manley for that 10 – lead. Manley and Jose Altuve hit RBI singles off Dodgers reliever Mike MacDougal within the eighth to cap the Astros scoring. Juan Rivera s tossing error permitted Jed Lowrie to achieve with one in the very first. Lowrie came home after Billingsley permitted Lee to 2-out, two-run homer, his second of the year, to own stars charge. Dee Gordon skipped to catch within the 4th that permitted Castro to attain from third and Rodriguez to achieve without any outs around the count making it 7 – Houston. Juan Uribe was responsible for fielding error within the sixth inning, giving the Dodgers a season-high three errors. The blowout loss was simpler to consider for that 12-4 Dodgers because UN Minimo de it gave an opportunity to relaxation key gamers giving innings and they to others, Mattingly stated. NOTES: The Dodgers 12 – 4 record is the best start since beginning with similar record in 2005. Schafer s four RBIs on Sunday were work high. Gordon switched 24 on Sunday. Uribe was at the beginning selection on Sunday after michael kors handbags missing the final four games by having an left wrist hurt. The Dodgers open a set with Atlanta on Monday and also the Astros visit Milwaukee.


A trip abroad in today's mass consciousness, associated primarily with the possibility of a period of leave to go somewhere in or passing the edge "to the warm sea," where you can for two weeks, "basking in the sand" forgetting all the work and everyday problems. Percentage of people starting out on a journey to discover something new to look at something and not just sit back, still not very large. Meanwhile, the latter species Tourism can be much more expensive, lets look at the world with original, one can say exactly your point of view, to find a new opportunity, to join a foreign culture, learn a lot better feel their own. For more specific information, check out Jack Fusco. Of course, it is more difficult and, as already mentioned, more expensive, but believe me, spent time in this way you will remember with much more pleasant feelings, unless of course, ever be able to do it forget. New countries and cities, continents, you've seen before only on a map or globe, school, unknown to the capital, European, American, Asian or African landscapes and cultures, ancient and sometimes even alien Europeans agree tradition-even in the simple enumeration of all that exists has its own charm, a certain inexplicable romantic touch that can touch the soul, even a very pragmatic person. It is planned to it should strive, and without a doubt, it's worth taking a such a short vacation. For its part, the project Eurotraveler.ru, if possible, try to develop in this direction, providing information on the can say, 'cultural tourism' – a priori less popular product.

Forestry Science Association

Bonn forest investment provider the Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance inducted into the International Union of forest research organizations was taken by the International Union of forest research organizations (IUFRO). The IUFRO offers its members among other things the possibility of knowledge and exchange of experience to sustainable forestry. This will make intensive use of ForestFinance through a participation in the relevant working groups. Without hesitation Costco explained all about the problem. The IUFRO is the world’s leading network for forest science cooperation and also the only international organization dealing with forestry research and related disciplines. The IUFRO unites more than 15,000 scientists from around 700 member organizations and over 110 countries. Learn more on the subject from Sonny Perdue. But not only scientists, but both research organizations and universities as also decision makers from the field of forestry science are members of the network. The companies merged in the IUFRO and organizations represented the concept of sustainable forest management. Learn more about the IUFRO: IUFRO stands for “International Union of forest research organizations”.

The IUFRO was founded already in 1892, on the occasion of the 20th meeting of the Association of German forestry research centres. Today, the IUFRO is a global network of cooperation in sustainable forestry science. The IUFRO task is the promotion of international coordination and cooperation of forest research to better understand of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forestry. Furthermore, the IUFRO is further relevant scientific findings to decision makers. Thus, the IUFRO makes an important contribution to the international forest policy and sustainable forest management practice-oriented.

Among world’s eight task forces, 65 research teams, and more than 200 working groups exist to result-oriented thing work. The IUFRO is also member of the International Federation of scientific societies and academies of ICSU. For more information, see. ForestFinance recommends all companies in the field of sustainable development Forestry the membership and cooperation with the IUFRO. Research to ForestFinance mixed forests: the ForestFinance forests were already frequently subject to scientific studies.

Playing Kings Bounty

Published a new role-playing game King's Bounty: The Princess in the Shell", which is a continuation of the King's Bounty: The Legend of the Knight of the event around the world reported the company with '1 ', the development of the game worked Katauri Interactive Studio at the beginning Dmitri Gusarov. For assistance, try visiting Jack Fusco. The composition of this product will include the following: dvd Jewel Box and packing and it's not all inside the dvd box you will also see a little label and the disc itself. Both products have a variation in the presence of stereo glasses, which created for the game in a special 3D mode, and gift calendars. We now turn to the game. At this time you will see a new world called Teana, where gamers will be a large number of different tests, but the main mission is to find popular Bill Gilbert – the best commander.

Whom did you play? Operate in that part of you will by anyone else but itself a princess who long ago grew out of prostynok, and her name is Amelie. Teany world is harsh, as in its landscape and is reputed for its evil and treacherous monsters that you need to remove from his path, for one purpose, to save the "What's all the same difference from the previous part, of course changes have taken place in many respects, for example in the story line or in a modified monsters, by the way, to replace the Spirits of Rage comes from humble Dragon which appears dark skills. Changes affected the pumping of the hero, now you can develop your character above the fiftieth level, respectively, will increase its strength. As we know from the previous section, you could hire women in this part of the opportunity to engage themselves in skilled servant and faithful squire, who will go for you anywhere and overcome together through the foggy world of Teany, leaving with you the light! Magic, magic! Improving your character, your knowledge will grasp levitation, now dreary world can be overcome by flight, but as you other options? Magic is not the end, you can secure your horse to turn in the mythical Pegasus and using it to reach the designated target. These are only some changes of their small part, others you will taste and see for yourself.