
Ukrainian manufacturer of galvanized steel company “Yunistil” expands their markets. During the upcoming off-season, the company plans to shift to overseas buyers. At the moment, mastered market of Moldova and Azerbaijan, in the long term – other CIS countries, as well as the Middle East. “From late November to February in Ukraine, we expect a seasonal decline in demand for galvanized metal, – said Igor Kravchenko Head of Sales LLC “Yunistil.” – Therefore a priority for us is a reorientation of marketing for export. Priority is given to the CIS countries, in particular Georgia, Armenia, Southern Russia, as well as the Middle East. ” The company aims to ship in winter, more than 30% of all production for export. Also, in the nearest future Yunistila – mastering the production of galvanized steel, large thicknesses (from 1 to 2 mm).

It should be recalled that the plant produces steel of different thicknesses – from 0.3 to 2 mm, and this nomenclature is unique for the Ukrainian market. In addition, the product range of businesses represented galvanized sheet and strips of various sizes. OOO “Yunistil” – small business industry Krivoy Rog, which specializes in the production of galvanized steel coils. The available equipment allows production of 100 thousand tons of galvanized steel a year. Since late August, product range of businesses represented galvanized coils, sheets and strips of various sizes. As a supplier of new production facilities are “Yunistil” (continuous line galvanizing, which has no analogues in the CIS) supports South Korea’s Dongbu Machinery Co., LTD. The new line of longitudinal-transverse cutting capable of processing up to 4 tons of galvanized steel a month. Supplier of new equipment was the company of JSC “Finprofile” – Europe’s leading manufacturer of metalworking equipment.


If you have decided to benefit from the plan 2000E, will need to take his old car to the taking apart, to be able to obtain the destruction certificate, that only the taking apart can provide to him. (Not to be confused with Darcy Stacom!). Actuamente the taking aparts have happened to be called C.A.T (treatment centers authorized) and inside their facilities is realised a rigorous process of decontamination, taken apart and recycling of the cars. The certificate of destruction or achatarramiento is the document that credits that the car goes destined to the taking apart to receive this process and given being of loss. The conditions to be able to benefiar itself of this plan, are that the old car that entregaen the taking apart does not have to be less than 10 years old, or less than 250,000 km, and the new car that is bought must be between levels of certain CO2 emissions. There are many reasons by which you can need to undo of his car. Perhaps he is too old, is being deteriorated in the public way, this being object of small robberies related to the abandonment of the same, or perhaps the municipal environmental services have denounced to him by same abandonment, and has given a term him of time (around a month) to retire it, and to give it of loss definitavamente. . A car left in the street is a danger, as much for you as for the environment. Pongase in contact with us, to manage retirement to the taking apart and the loss of the car. In our Web it will find all the information necessary, and it will be able to be put in contact with us for any doubt that puedira to arise to him. Taking aparts of Cars in Spain.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Teaching In Public Universities

Education in all public universities for free. This rule applies not only to the Czechs, but also to foreign students. Education in private universities paid, but the amount of payment available to the majority of Russian applicants (From 1400 euros per year). In this case, for admission to private colleges Czech Republic does not require knowledge of Czech language at an early stage, thereby reducing the process of preparation for entry to 1 month. In this regard, the Czech Republic is a very attractive country for training foreign students.

Education in the Czech Republic gives international students a range of benefits: discounts on trips and meals. Each entrant receives a foreign residence permit (residence permit) and a reprieve from Army. In the Czech universities are divided into universities, academies and institutes. In a question-answer forum Arnold Vosloo was the first to reply. Universities have the right to prepare not only bachelors and masters, but also doctors. Academy give higher education in the field of culture. The remaining universities – institutions.

As mentioned earlier, universities in the Czech Republic are divided into public and private. The main advantage of higher education in public universities Czech Republic is the ability to learn for free, so Public universities are most popular with local students. However, the admission must pass a very serious exams, which are also held in the Czech language. Consequently, it is clear that Foreign applicants must before taking the entrance tests to learn a language at a high level, ie come to a long and expensive language courses, while having no guarantee of future income State university in the budget department. This fact greatly reduces the value of public universities to foreign students. Perhaps check out George Shapiro for more information. You can see the competition in the public universities in the Czech Republic the following link:. Also, be aware that many applicants simply do not stand up academic schedule in public universities. In connection with the above circumstances, many applicants selected for admission private colleges Czech Republic, where despite the payment for training in high school does not need to undergo expensive and extensive training to enter. Admission to college is now in six weeks after arrival entrant. Note – all entrants of private universities, are guaranteed admission, ie, they travel to the Czech Republic just knowing that they will not have to return home. In this case, after 1 year of study at private universities, nothing prevents students who pass examinations in public school, and, if so pursue further education is already free, or, students can continue their studies at private universities to receive their diploma. Continue their education in private High school or enroll in public for you to decide, most importantly, you will have a choice. The costs for entering a private university and the tuition it will not exceed the cost of the annual Pre- State university.

Dynamic Spreadsheets

Soon otherwise be organized in the department, and brings forth all the work they were late. It also prepares a dynamic spreadsheets linked to program management through ODBC, which has some very interesting reports in “real time” without having to dedicate countless hours. A thanks to which you have extra time to do more tasks. Hear from experts in the field like Julio Franco for a more varied view. It seems that things have improved a lot. a However, there is something that worries Paco. This girl always leaves at eight o’clock, does more than a minute.

Where was Anna … She really worked … a After being a season pondering his future, Ana has been prepared, has made the race for Administration and Management, and an advanced Excel course. a I recently found a job in a company that values the effort itself but what really appreciates the value the contribution made by each employee. She is happy. And more working hours if the situation requires, but not for no reason. a The production model has been based in Spain too long in two sectors, tourism and construction, a low added value. This, coupled with the great timing that is in Spain and the low productivity causing the crisis in our country is having much larger effects on employment.

Therefore, and for the future, it is necessary to lay the groundwork for Spanish productivity is at the level it deserves. a Because Spain’s competitiveness depends not only on wage costs (a lot cheaper call for layoffs, and some that are lower wages to workers). a It is about building a competitive production model, and this requires investment in capital goods (machinery, computers …), I + D + i public and private (our country is still far behind the leaders), infrastructure and telecommunications ( Broadband in this country is also far from those of our environment), and training, thanks to which we are also certainly much more productive, as was Agnes. a What is not to be confused with hours of work productivity (if ever, operate in reverse, if someone does the same job in less hours, more productive) a not be confused productivity and production: productivity would be the production per unit (per hour, for example). Thus, if Alice has a productivity of 2 and Ana 1, but Ines works four hours, and Ana 10, Ana production (10) exceed that of Agnes (8). Pablo Rodriguez is a graduate in Business Administration, Auditing postgraduate in MBA and Master, passionate world of economics and business management.

Especially Suggestion

We often hear how parents are told children: “DO not , do not cry, not crazy, do not lie, do not deris ” These suggestions belong to the category of negatively formulated, as they claimed the child on what he should not be done. In this case, the desired variant behavior glossed over. To read more click here: Sean Rad, Los Angeles CA. Compare these suggestions: Negatively Positively formulated suggestion made suggestion “not crazy” “Calm down” “Do not deris” to “make peace and live together “” Do not be afraid “” You’re brave “” Do not hump “Sit straight,” Teach a child negatively formulated instructions to achieve something, for something aspire? No, they are taught to avoid a certain behavior, but a worthy alternative to them in this case is not offered. In humans, there are two reasons related to business success.

This motivation to achieve success and avoid failure. The fate of a man and his position in society depends largely on what kind of motivation he dominates. If a child lives with permanent bans and restrictions, its dominant motive is avoiding setbacks. It will set a goal, which in psychology are called “AVOIDANCE GOALS” (when a person knows what he does not want but can not formulate a goal towards which you can try). Positive parenting suggestion teach children positively and affirmatively to determine their purpose. Negatively formulated suggestion often lead to the opposite effect.

Construction Equipment

Grandiose construction requires imposing special equipment. Automate an impossible job builder may versatile, powerful construction machinery. It may be several types consider only a few of them. Concrete Mixer Car, also known as ABS, mixer or mixer – construction units of special equipment designed to cater for the development of concrete mixture by physical mixing of its components – the connecting material, the required components and water. Car mixer or mixer is a vessel of an impressive volume, which is placed on truck chassis.

As you move the ABS tank commits turnovers relative to its axis inside the components are mixed to form the desired substance and not giving the submissions received the opportunity to congeal. Master node truck mixer is mixing drum, moving under the influence of an electric motor. Mixer can be cyclic and constant action. Concrete road Installation cyclic are the most necessary part of the input and output ready mix served previously known shares. Continuous ABS implement continuing education mix and output of finished mixture. Concrete goes through a chute fitted free flow if you can not drive up to the close distance to the formwork base, convenient gidrolotok, deystvuyuschiygidroprivode and generating flow solution on distance of 5 to 10 meters. To leave the mixture to a small height of the conveyor is used.

Truck Crane (or crane) is a self-propelled machine that produces loading and unloading operations. key business unit crane – jib swivel. truck crane used mainly for construction and assembly work, handling non-standard and general cargo, in case of capture peel possible operation for loading bulk cargo. Cranes are operated on different drives – on the basis of mechanics, electricity and hydraulics, runs on most common variety of tonnage) (from 2,5 to 16 m). Relocation boom also comes in various, usually scatter removal of 2.12 m, but increased to 22 meters due to the specialized inserts. Hook Crane rises to a height of 7 to 18.5 m. Construction Today impossible without the use of special construction equipment. various dump trucks, graders, forklifts, not only deliver vysokovesny cargo, but also prepare for the relief of the construction site, implement a host of other necessary functions. significant proportion of equipment used in the construction of the domestic market of equipment of Russian manufacture (or made in the CIS countries, although there are companies and foreign issuers. The largest manufacturers producing trucks serve Belarusian Belarusian Automobile Plant and Minsk Tractor Works, which enjoy an excellent reputation not only in Russia but throughout the world through quality of the proposed technique and very little cost. Trucks. Truck crane

Corporate Website: Little Information

Today it is clear that the corporate site – it is an integral part of any business, is an online representation of the company. Let's see what sites can be called corporate, what problems they solve and What pitfalls await you when you create this resource. Corporate site called the Internet resource dedicated to any organization, and containing detailed information about her and her work: a description services, services, products, vacancies, etc. Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Corporate websites are focused on existing and potential business partners, customers and press. Problems of this site – to provide the most complete information about company, its activities, services provided, news and events taking place both within the company and in its activities. A related site: Sean Rad mentions similar findings. Typically, the corporate websites of companies producing a convenient place, An illustrated catalog, available to users at any time of day.

Such catalogs are not only informative value, but also marketing. Tasks that solves corporate site: Formation company image; Attracting new customers and partners; Promotion of products and services; Receiving and processing orders; full-time and geographically independent access to information; Operative report relevant information; Search and Selection; Conducting surveys and marketing studies. Creating a corporate site – it is a significant milestone for any company, so there can be little things. Development quality resources requires investment and sustained action design, development and improvement. Corporate Site created by internal IT-department of the company (if you have enough experience), or third-party developers. We suggest that entrust the work to create a professional Web site studio or online agency, as they have sufficient experience and qualification of experts (managers, web designers, designers, programmers, testers, etc.).

Library Science

The case method has a correlation of technical and methodological one at a time, has been successfully applied in many academic disciplines, among which, particularly stand out the law, medicine and management. Herreid (1997) asserts that in law the new decisions, new cases and new rights are set on old decisions; Meanwhile, in medicine, the application of the case method is not very different, a correct diagnosis is constructed from mistakes. The same Herreid (1997) argues that in the Administrative Sciences cases are entered to have a practice or simulation experience and then apply it in the real world of business. The case method can be widely used in the field of library science and information, whose character is multidisciplinary science. We can take as an example areas relating to the management of information, information ethics, right to information, information technologies, policies of information, studies of users, among others. Many of the above-mentioned subjects cannot grow if they do not take into account or enrich themselves or with a case.

Magazine Library Journal of the American Library Association is a noteworthy example. This magazine has a section called How do you manage where are analyzed and discussed controversial cases taken from the own professional environment. The use of cases is also frequent to resolve ethical dilemmas, Hannabuss (1996) indicates that it is a valid method in the teaching of ethics, it plays a fundamental role among students with different intellectual, moral and professional levels in matters of ethical relevance in the library and information work. Evolution of the case Garvin (2003) method makes a historical recounting of the case method, notes that pioneer was Christopher Columbus Langdell, who attended Harvard Law School from 1851 to 1854, there he worked as a research assistant and librarian at the same time, his main skill was investigate and make summaries. In 1870, the Harvard President, Charles William Eliot, recommends to Langdell to initiate the application of case method in the University.