CEO Photographers

About 8,500 submissions of 793 photographer / Germany, lies in the country ranking on rank two Lurzer s archive, the world’s leading trade magazine for outstanding advertising, published in the latest edition of the success 200 best ad photographers worldwide extraordinary photographs for advertisements. The recordings come from the 200 best advertising photographers in international and are categorized in 424 pages. “Sports and landscape motifs, animal and vehicle shots to portraits and still lifes: the illustrated book of 200 best ad photographers worldwide” shows 516 inspiring designs for advertisements or posters. Lurzer’s archive 200 best advertising photographers for the sixth time providing a platform to showcase their exceptional photos. Works by photographers come from 31 countries. From Germany, 30 photographers are represented.

Comparing Germany is behind the United States (55 photographers) on second place, followed by Britain (25 photographers) and Australia (13 Photographer). The 516 motifs show again exceptional achievements of advertising photography. Creative directors and art buyer for worldwide a source of inspiration and the ultimate reference book with the illustrated advertising photographers”, says Michael Weinzettl, editor in Chief of Lurzer’s archive. After a pre-selection of 8.629 submissions the jury chose consisting of editor-in-Chief Michael Weinzettl, Suzee Barrabee (art buyer from Goodby Silverstein and partners), Damon Collins (founding member of joint London), Rafael Gil (art director at Africa in Sao Paulo), Christophe Gilbert (photographer), Shintaro Shiratori (President of the Japan advertising photographers’ Association APA) and Anne Telford (Communication Arts) 516 best work. Walker says: 793 submitted photographers the jury does not easily made it, to make a selection from the outstanding motifs.

Moreover, the large number of submissions shows that photo opportunities at advertising agencies and companies remains a central element for exceptional advertisements represent.” The book 200 best ad photographers worldwide 2014/2015 “can be ordered from the 15 December 2013 on the selected book and magazine trade, Amazon and. It is sold in 68 countries throughout the world. Review copies can be requested from the agency contact (see below). Title information: 200 best ad photographers worldwide 2014/2015 424 pages, format 20,5 x 28,5 cm price: 34,50 euro (D) ISBN: 978-3-902393-19-7 over Lurzer’s archive of Lurzer’s archive is the bimonthly trade magazine for exceptional advertising from all over the world. Posters, ads, TV commercials, digital and interactive advertising will be presented. The editor-in-Chief is Michael Weinzettl, Christian Lurzer is CEO of the publishing house. The magazine is the most important information and sources of inspiration since its founding by Prof. Walther Lurzer in 1984 as a for advertisers worldwide. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Michael Steinhardt. It is distributed in 68 countries in the subscription, the selected book and press trade. In addition, the magazine can as read digital version on iPad and iPhone. Around the world it reaches over 150,000 readers per issue. Subscribers have access to Lurzer’s online archive, which contains more than 65,000 images and video files via. Since 2004, Lurzer’s archive 200 best brings “series out. The volumes nominated remarkable work, at regular intervals including from advertising photography, digital artists, illustration and packaging design.