
Advertising of spirits can be seen everywhere. And if the advertising works, the spirits want to try. On itself. Do not be afraid to meet with radical new fragrance. Half an hour later the smell of 'settle down' and enter a new note – a note of the heart, the time when it is you decide your or not.

Earlier, and I chose the spirits of principle – has caught scent from the bottle and think yours is or not. Or looked at advertising, where the prince on a white horse takes away into the distance sultry beauty, presented himself in this role (Beauty, of course) and wanted something similar. If not the prince, then at least the same bottle. But no. As it turned out, it's much easier. Scents to choose the heart. Head, heart, tail To perfume last longer, apply them to areas of the body, where the skin feels heartbeat – the ear, wrist and elbow. To choose – you get a favorite flavor (and preferably four – for comparison) and tested at the wrists and elbows.

Of course, you can drip on a paper strip. For one thing – in this case, you will not know how to behave like spirits in the reaction with the chemical composition of your skin. This little secret on a recent show taught me a representative firm sells perfume. Minute by minute – changes the smell, and with it my preference. Grean Tea from Elisabeth Arden, Obsession Night by Calvin Klein, and two flavors with pheromones from RAgroup Initially, more like ck.