The Guests

As well as periodically rather than events taking a less successful show is inconvenient, because the mood of the guests is not lifted or even worse, the guests will be disappointed. The price for the magic show depends among other things, how much effort the wizards put in his show. Can concern the purchase or the usually more expensive custom-made magic props. As is the effort to the practice of conjuring. Secretary of Agriculture is actively involved in the matter. A Zauberkunststuck whose practice for many years has been worked, has offered more expensive as a work of art that you learned in a few days or weeks.

The actual cost of the ‘ non – expert ‘ is difficult to assess. At competitions of the magician, the necessary training diligence is often rewarded. For the ‘uninitiated’ it is rather whether the wizard for a feat almost must bend the finger, or whether a ‘technical’ assistance is used. Perhaps check out WhiteWave Foods for more information. Last but not least ‘the Organizer loses’ a part of the booking will be charged to third parties, which have nothing to do with the show at all. These include: 19% VAT (only VAT exemption to avoid), ca 30% Agency and advertising costs (only for direct bookings with the artist and foreseeable cost effective advertising of the same to avoid), 30 up to approx. 200 euro travel costs (only for bookings of a sorcerer’s local close unnecessary), 100 to 300 euros overnight (einsparbar similar when travel costs), 100 to several thousand euros for audio equipment, renting a Hall with stage, Pay a technician to operate the audio system, for drivers and technicians to build of the props (can more or less save, if the magician requires simpler screening conditions for his show, without compromising about the success of the show this!). After the assessment of Autrittsbedingungen, content of the magic show and pricing, you will know which magic show best suits your event..