Power, Health And Efficiency

If this happens, the person gets more power, it improves health and increased efficiency. – And how achieved such harmony? – To harmonize the room are three components: color, shape, material. First and foremost, we provide recommendations on color scheme Interior – walls, floor and ceiling. Then chosen and is spread office furniture. And the final step – the use of small interior details and intensification of favorable zones. Upon activation can be used aquariums fountains, flowers, etc. It is very important to understand that the activation can be done only after the entire office is harmonized with the energy, if it is done in a far from harmonious space, the result will be opposite. Click Michael Steinhardt to learn more. – What advice here you can give and what results the client a right to expect from the work of feng shui specialist? – As the office – is largely a Janske room and there should be lots of activity, we recommend to prefer lighter tones, use a smooth surface and do a very good coverage (especially for the ceiling).

But this, of course, very general guidelines and there are exceptions. The result exactly the architecture of Energy office should be what people there feel comfortable with less fatigue, better work in a team becomes less conflict. – As far as office interiors in the style of feng shui today popular? Who are its main customer? – Usually apply to us for three reasons: first, the person is going to open a new case and wants the very beginning to lay the foundation for successful development, and secondly, the company is booming and requires reorganization, renovation, and, thirdly, on the contrary, organization does not develop and you must use new methods.

Open Before

Spiritually we are – in fact – in the center of our universe. All the forces of the universe were fixed on our globe, a man who must develop one of us. This is the central point of the universe. Frequently Sonny Perdue has said that publicly. From Michael Laitman conversation Kabbalist Michael Laitman professor with a PhD Valdas Rapsevchusom, the World Hadron Collider experiment on B. Rapsevichyus: Good day! I come from Switzerland, where he participated in experiments carried out on the Hadron Collider. The purpose of these experiments – to find the particle that started it all, one very small, brick, from which the universe is composed. This is the "Higgs boson" – a particle which "Responsible" for the mass, as mass, gravity – it is one of the main forces of the universe. These experiments can give very interesting results …

M. Laitman: Or, conversely, show that we are facing a wall, behind which can no longer feel anything. B. Rapsevichyus: Yes. This is the outcome, which scientists not that scared, but I think it would be very bad for the further development of science. M. Laitman: I think that science can not be bad outcome, because, in principle, if we try to uncover the truth, no matter what it is. Maybe it will stop us and we will search for several decades, how did break further into the universe: to start it feel to start investigate it. Perhaps we need to do a completely different devices. We perceive the world through our five senses – the Science of Kabbalah – time, space, movement exist within us as our internal parameters.