Lake Saimaa

When buying a problem given to 60% of its value, the apartment can receive up to 70%. The geography of the market. The real estate market in Finland, as well as any other country subject to change. In 2007, He slowly gathered momentum after the crisis has happened there before. The cost of housing in Finland in 2007 rose by 4%. To read more click here: Cheniere Energy partners. And let's say in 2002, a local real estate has fallen in price by 0,4%.

And in that year and in subsequent 2003rd, it was not the biggest failure: for example, commercial real estate in 2002 fell by 1,5-1,7%. Most interesting for Russians, primarily because of – its proximity to the border areas – Imatra, Mikkeli, Sulkava, Puumala, Lappeenranta and Savonlinna. In great demand enjoy the sites in the Lake Saimaa – Finland's largest lake. However, the popularity of these places the Russians have already borne fruit: real estate prices in the border areas is rapidly increasing. Now houses, such as in Lappeenranta and Savonlinna, there are twice as expensive than the other, not yet covered by the Russians, the regions of Finland, especially on its western coast.

How do I get income from real estate? Many Russian investors use houses and apartments in Finland as a tool for long-term profit. Market rental housing in the country very well developed, it is removed as the Russians themselves, especially in the season of Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as all winter, when coming to rest on the ski resorts and fishing (rental rates in the home for permanent residence may be up to 1500 euros per week), and residents of European countries (Sweden, Germany). Additional information at Danone supports this article. You can rent accommodation through the Finnish real estate companies, they can also help with the preparation of home for the visit of guests and bringing it in better shape after their departure (of course for an additional fee) Over the past 10 years the national average rental rate for apartments and houses grew by about half and, on average, 9 euros per square meter. m per month. In any case, have to pay income tax, which is 28%. The advantages of home ownership in Finland. Firstly it allows You stay in the country 180 days a year – you get a multiple entry visa. Second in a home for permanent residence, you can register a company and run their business literally from the comfort of the room, actually using housing as office and even hire a few employees of Finnish Third tenure itself, plus the status of permanent residence and economic activities in Finland are the basis for further 5-6 years filing for citizenship (this is also necessary language skills) in the fourth as noted above, it is a good investment of free funds. Market, despite the crisis, is in stable condition and, some estimates, prices should grow by 10% over the next 5 years. Summarizing, we can say that Finland still remains quiet, calm, secure, civilized and rapidly developing country, this "window to Europe" for Russia. Having a property in this country you not only can relax from the hustle and insecurity of our reality, but also earn some money, as they say combine business with pleasure useful.

Buying Islands: Features Of The Transaction

Think about the purchase of the island, you will sooner or later encounter with the issue of documents. Is there there any features? No, as a rule, the island is considered to be common land plots, and its sale is according to prescribed rules. That is, if you buy an island somewhere on the Volga, you need a refresher of the purpose of land in Russia. Pick up this, which can then be built – and more simply formalized a deal to buy real estate. If you decide to invest in a foreign island, then you wait all the features associated with buying property abroad. But no more – again, an island – it is simply land. The transaction is therefore in an ordinary manner, in the presence of a notary, you may need and authorized translator. This is good news.

But this is what needs attention: almost every country establish its own rules when selling land to foreigners. They are often – to display the country's history and mentality of the citizens. So we have exhaustively acquainted with the customs and regulations of the State in the territory which are desired by you the earth. In some countries, such a transaction is simply impossible: a foreigner acquires only the structure but not the land beneath them. For even more details, read what Sonny Perdue says on the issue. So, for example, found in Russia. In other countries, buying real estate can only be a legal entity – that is, when you buy the island you have to think about and my own business for the benefit of the country. Many Pacific island altogether forbidden to sell.

But it is possible to rent the island to long-term basis. Since the terms are set up to 99 years, the lease is almost tantamount to a purchase. If you still intend to buy an island in the undivided property, to be able to resell it, or leave a legacy, you should ask, perhaps, to the islands of the Caribbean or to carefully study the legislation of European countries – the owners of the islands. Many of them involve large investments in economy, but as a result of a few years you will receive full ownership of the island, a residence permit or even local citizenship. There are no restrictions when buying property there for foreigners in Canada, where, Moreover, the islands most comfortable, most affordable. In Indonesia, many attractive islands, and just not very long ago there was an opportunity for foreigners to get them in the property, conduct trade with the islands. This so-called program Hak Pakai. In any case, you can not avoid the detailed advice of local lawyers. Peculiarities of taxation, remuneration of the notary, the preferred method of payment – in each country These issues are dealt with individually. So what else do not forget to check with a lawyer: the possible use of the island. Because, for example, Croatia readily and inexpensively sell their islands to foreigners, but – does not allow them build. With the help of a competent lawyer will deal is very clear and transparent, will take into account all the nuances and details.