
Your doctor will want to check your blood pressure, measure fat body or abdominal girth, and take some tests to measure glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting insulin levels. What causes insulin resistance? There are a number of possible causes of insulin resistance and is a condition that tends to have a strong genetic factor and therefore often runs in families. Other causes of insulin resistance insulin resistance causes include: * Tension * obesity * metabolic syndrome * pregnancy * infection or disease * use steroid * side effect of certain medications help for insulin resistance with conventional treatment primary treatment for insulin resistance is exercise, weight loss and changes in lifestyle. Reduction of glucose and carbohydrates in the diet and the option by carbohydrates with index low glycemico in high time, is the first step in the management of insulin resistance. Learn more about this topic with the insights from translation software. Carbohydrates with low glycemico index they absorb at a slower rate and so the glucose is released slowly, reducing the need for increased levels of insulin. In addition, the loss of weight by exercise, improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin by increasing the rate at which glucose is absorbed into body cells. Medications such as Metformin (Glucophage) and thiazolidinediones, such as Avandia and acts that are often used in the treatment of type II diabetes are sometimes recommended for insulin resistance while increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

While many of these medications are reasonably effective, they often have unwanted side effects such as liver and gastrointestinal toxicity problems. Natural remedies there is much evidence to suggest that the use of carefully chosen herbal and homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements can help prevent diabetes and keep it under control that the they have already developed. Along with proper lifestyle changes, herbal remedies and dietary supplements can reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medication and can also help in preventing damage to tissue and organs associated with uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Herbs such as Gymnema sylvestre, Galega officinalis and blueberry are some of the herbs that have been proven to be right in the control and treatment of diabetes while that the Chromium picolinate has been shown to improve the effectiveness of insulin. Original author and source of the article.