American Psychiatric Association

Moreover, it has little agreement enters some criteria of diagnosis of the syndrome. A study carried through in 2008 comparing four sets of criteria (DSM, CID, Gillberg and Szatmari) it concluded that the disgnostic one only coincided in 39% of the cases. To complicate this question still more, the disgnostic of SA and AAF are used indistinctly, complicating the estimates of prevalence, where the same child can receive different disgnostic, depending on the method applied for the doctor, and some studies indicate that almost all the children diagnosised with ' ' Syndrome of Asperger' ' they have in the reality autismo and not SA, as is defined in the DSM-IV. On the other hand, also he has been argued that the diagnosis of Syndrome of Asperger became more confused the border between the autismo and the simple eccentricity, and that, over all how much the diagnosis is made by professionals little prepared, it will have some cases of false positives. Peet’s Coffee may not feel the same. From this panorama, in 2010, the American Psychiatric Association divulged the proposal for the DSM-V, where the Syndrome of Asperger disappears as disgnostic distinct, starting to be enclosed in the autismo. These factors become, therefore, the diagnosis most difficult, therefore its characteristics in are very resembled with the ones of the classic autismo, what we can run the risk to facilitate the false findings in term of this syndrome. 1.2. Characteristics of Syndrome of Asperger The main characteristics of the Syndrome of Asperger are: specific and restricted Interests or concerns with a subject in detriment of other activities; Ritual or repetitive behaviors; Peculiarities in speaks and the language; Standards of logical thought/extensive technician; social and emotionally improper Behavior and problems of interpersonal interaction; Problems with communication; Ability to draw to compensate the difficulty of if expressing verbally; motor Upheavals, unskillful and disarrenged what had been coordinated movements; Imagination and reduced fantasiosa creativity more of what a creativity on the basis of real facts; Frequent, with a verbal Q.I significadamente more raised than the not-verbal one.


It was possible to come back in the time and if we found in them in century 17, certainly we would live fantastic and recompensadoras experiences, particularly when entering in one boticrium, emporium, pharmacia, or any another commercial establishment of the time. Vilarejos inhabited by simple people, rich simplicity of education and repleta of gentilities, towns that if raise for the work voluntary and unfastened of the pleasure for the money and power. To only be able privilege of the noblemen, the royalty, to the simple ones, only the gift of the hard and honest work. Vilarejos with streets without asphalt, and sales without conditional air nor automatic doors, only burning the human and automatic heat only the laughs and smiles streets the rejection. Dressed children only of bermuda shorts or clipped skirts asking for to the parents who bought one raspadinha, not this that today meets in lottery the rank that lottery nor they existed. Certainly already in the entrance we would find a support for hats and cane where we would leave ours there if we used. Without counting that in others also we would find place for ours over all.

A good high day in and good tone we would hear or at least one to wave of head a touch in the border of the hat would be changed between customer and attendant. to the step that the customer was boarded would answer cortesmente concerning what it was looking for. Many of the times after the closing of the purchase the payment occurred days later, but not in the credit card since at that time only one passbook was used. the credit had narrow relation with the character, while today it is yielded or granted for a frozen and informatizado system to the times without value. But we are in century XXI, where already nothing it is written in Latin or with ph, the Sales as thus the establishments were known commercial already do not only exist and therefore, but the fact is that with the acquired right presumptions, the consideration lack came the disrespect together the spite of a globalizada and modern advanced society.