Removal Of Points In Flensburg

The scoring of the Flensburg transport offender file is difficult to understand especially when multiple traffic violations for multiple traffic offenders. Who wants to get insight in his score, can free get the current status at the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. The handwritten signature of the request about some personal information must be added to the is important. These include including date of birth, full name, where appropriate, the birth name, and a copy of identity card or passport. The car Portal informed about the possibilities for spot removal. Before the licence is retracted and the vehicle ( ../autotipp-10) for a long time in the garage disappears, multiple traffic offenders about the possibilities of reducing the account balance should think. Various advanced seminars available are the volunteers for this.

With a score of eight to 13 in the register of traffic offenders, the driver receives a fee based Writing, by informed and warned about the other ways to spot removal. With a voluntary building seminar, transport (ACV) can be wipe out two points according to the Automobile Club. Who wants to improve the points accumulation of already before the limit, can be removed four points with the visit of the seminar. After the seminar respectively on 14 points, the ACV to a traffic psychological consulting advises. The participation reduces the index by two points.

With time, the points will reduce but also by itself unless it come to new traffic violations. The deadline for cancellation is two years. Alcohol and drug trips, which expire after 15 years in the worst case are exempt from this rule.