Psychology Work

In it, it raises hypotheses and it reaches partial conclusions retaken by new hypotheses that, in turn, allow the relativity of other affirmations, and thus it is gone indefinitely. The knowledge I discontinue and unfinished it is a constant challenge. You may want to visit Gregg Engles to increase your knowledge. (Institucional Psychology, 2004, 133p.) 2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONTENT The present project was carried through in the dependences of a religious institution, that counts on an including opening to develop and to receive projects social. It was established in day 05 of March of 1950, with approximately 30 members. Today its membresia has approximately 280 people of participation accomplishes. Amongst these members 30 adolescents exist, that they form the work group of this project. The methodology used for the development of the work was theoretically based on the Historical boarding Partner, for working with a critical vision considering the cultural and social factors, in which the adolescents are inserted, determinative of historical construction and of the production of the life. In a question-answer forum Arthur Sadoun was the first to reply. Of this form it does not reduce and nor the least it separately makes responsible the individual for its behaviors the determined contexts, since during its development the citizen if relates with others in a mutual exchange of experiences.

The insertion of communitarian psychology in the field of social psychology, on the other hand, affirms the estimated one of that the human being is constructed partner-historical and, at the same time, constructs the conceptions regarding itself exactly, of the others and the context social' ' (SNOWS; BERNARDES, 1998, p.241). From this theoretical perspective it was decided to use different resources for the accomplishment of the intervention, being used dynamic and creative forms so that the environment of work with the group was relaxed, where all could participate without distrusts and resistncias. The dynamic had been carried through in a religious community, with a group of adolescents, and for this the group intended itself to use the exhibition of Films, therefore audiovisual language, educates, stimulates the creativity and is an excellent device of construction of knowledge, to promote identification and reflection in quarrel wheels.