
Once detected proteinuria (300mgd/24) begins a significant deterioration in renal function in such a manner that 50% of people in this condition terminal irreversible kidney damage (IRC) in a span of 5-10 years. The factors that determine these developments, as well as in retinopathy, are the presence of hypertension and poor control of glucose renal damage in turn exacerbates hypertension, difficult to control and serves its own complications. Treatment of the IRC is based on dialysis, or While renal transplantation in the best. In pregnancy it is considered that mild renal disease (creatinine 1 to 1.4mg / d) is unchanged, but the moderate or severe is a risk of approximately 30% deterioration in such a way that people with mild kidney disease evolve, and the latter if it did not need to be dialysed, are candidates for hemodialysis during pregnancy as discussed in previous article, the association of type 1 diabetes, severe hypertension difficult to control and IRC set a bad prognosis for the baby, and most of these pregnancies result in stillbirths (intrauterine fetal death) or preterm deliveries neuropathy is characterized by destruction of peripheral nerves due to hyperglycemia. It appears mainly in the leg, which can appear anywhere on the body is manifested by changes in sensitivity that can progress to areas of numbness or severe pain in the limbs, which does not yield to pain common. This condition predisposes to a complication called diabetic foot. The lack of sensitivity to this level makes these people susceptible to develop ulcers from trauma or damage by foreign bodies, they look to become infected and if left untreated can lead to gangrene of the limb and merit. .