North American

As well as the stigmata of madness, the luxury, the creativity, etc. The children are identified for the actions and thoughts of its parents, grandmothers, etc. behavior Expects the same of them recognizes that them in the society as ' ' children of fulano' ' or ' ' grandsons of ciclano' ' , and this can provoke a very great suffering because the risk of living with an identity total mixed and atrelada to the one of outros.&#039 is run; ' (p.91) Nelson Vitiello, when presenting the book of Gonalves (1998) of the emphasis to the name ' ' madrasta' '. ' ' Despite the term ' ' madrasta' ' it derives etimologicamente from the same root that ' ' me' ' , the initial syllable seems to form an unconscious association with ' ' me ' ' with ' ' maldade' '. Music downloads can aid you in your search for knowledge. Socially seen thus, the stepmothers have important place in the fabulrio of our culture, being in this direction classic the stepmothers of histories of Cinderela and Branca de Neve, between many outras.' ' (p.9-10) According to Bettelheim (2007) in stories of fairies, the stepmother exists to hold all the bad characteristics that the mother possesss and is therefore that the mother dies soon and/or another person it substitutes to hold the good characteristics (in the case, the fairy).

Already the North American historian Robert Darnton, cited for Mendes (2000, p.56), that he wrote the great slaughter of the cats (1986) criticizes the psychoanalysis for making a diacrnica reading of the facts. Soon, for Darnton, making a historical and social interpretation, the stepmothers exist in stories because in the receipt the death in the childbirth was frequent and the widowers were then obliged to marry not to take care of again alone of its children, even so knew that they would be damaged for the stepmothers. This interpretation is excellent in the story because the father seems not to have voice to if dealing with the relation enteada stepmother/.