Maasai Kenya Travel

individually in the East African Kenya on Safari and the Maasai meet the Maasai ethnic group is found in the East African Kenya and in the plains in the South of the country at home. Kenya most residents belong to either the Bantu- or of Nilotic ethnic groups, with the Maasai belong to the latter. Exert a great fascination with their original way of life and harmony with nature and it is not easy to approach your lifestyles. With the tour operator experience you took the opportunity in the life of the Maasai and the proud vehicle of the Kenyan savanna, up-close experience. The local partners of the modules special provider for Kenya travel has some time with the Maasai lived together and so the best contacts to this cheerful and friendly people, living as one of the few tribes still to the old customs.

So the Masai live ‘ is the name of the entails travel module, which starts in Narobi and South leads to the Masai Mara, a the most famous game parks in Kenya. While the first part of the route is easily passable, found soon more holes and bumps than asphalt. During a hike with a Maasai much learn the culture of the tribe, on trees and plants and their therapeutic effects on hunting and the ancestors. Nights are spent during this module in a private camp in the vicinity of a natural source. Also, light tents, mattresses and Safari chairs located here along with a toilet and shower. Go to Mobile App Development Company Services for more information. Travelling even a private chef prepared dinner while the Maasai collecting wood for the camp fire. The Maasai Mara, one of the world’s most famous game parks bordering the Serengeti in Tanzania.

The Safari passes through wide plains and woodlands, rivers full of crocodiles and hippos, herds of Zebra and wildebeest. Only at sunset, it comes back to the camp and to the camp fire. At the end of this module, you can a private camping under the stars ‘, looking for Zanzibar’ or the mountain and the trumpeting Elephants ‘ attach. You have the opportunity to experience Tanzania and Kenya travel as you want as well. Experience is part of the experience long-haul travel GmbH, a travel Organizer by travellers for travellers, who has published so far 35 countries Web sites. The offer includes Africa, Latin – and North America, Asia, Oceania and Europe. The pages are maintained by countries specialists, which are particularly well versed in the countries have already their own experience. The individual advice and support plays an important role for the online tour operators. This, especially the personal contact by telephone and mail is very important. The individual travel provider cooperates with local partners in the respective target areas and is committed for an ecologically and culturally sustainable tourism.