Elite Brazilian Politics

The Brazilians had conquered the right to the vote in 1932. They had started to be majority of the electorate in the municipal elections of 2000. For the first time, in 2002, the president of the Republic was chosen by a majority of women. In the elections for presidency in 2006, they had been 50.8% of the voters? 58,6 million against 56,4 million men, as report of the TSE. The report also disclosed that, on average, the voters had studied more than the men, that is, had more than passed 8 years in the school and works outside of house. It is a consummated historical change in an election that started exactly with the possibility of a woman, Roseana former-governor Sarney, to arrive at the Presidency and that it culminated with the election of president Lula? that in principle it had in the women its main heel of Aquiles, therefore was had as a candidate of the men and he was not seen for the majority of the women well. It is difficult to take off conclusions on a so vast slice of the electorate.

But the specialists point two characteristics of the vote feminine that they influence the routes of the electoral campaigns: the women if worry more about social matters e, historically, delay more to choose a candidate. Proposals of health, education and assistance to the children are the main focos of interest of the women. 12% of the skirt electorate are a slice of 10%. They are 6 million voters of eye in the proposals of the candidates. The book Women in the Elite Brazilian Politics, of sociologist Lcia Avelar, weaves excellent commentaries on this subject. As the factor that also is decisive in the feminine vote is in the opposing extremity of the social pyramid. It is enters the women less poor and escolarizadas than if it concentrates the majority of the electorate drifter.