Effective Conflict

This means we rely on the concepts of emotional intelligence as part of our actions within the teams. It very valid also provided by the Club of effectiveness, it reaffirms to the above, it is very common to hear that people have problems working in teams because of their individual differences. These differences are evident when deciding how to do things, to propose improvements, to distribute tasks, to create ideas, to reach consensus decisions … As already mentioned, each has its own personality and that makes us to be different from each other, so what's not surprising that we have differences … Learn more about this with treatment of depression. but our differences do not necessarily imply a conflict very assertive clarification, which means that conflict is the fact of not knowing how to use these differences for the set.

When you know take advantage of different backgrounds, desires, personalities, perspectives, experiences, and everything that people "bring" … the richness of the team comes to life and multiply. Swarmed by offers, Carrier is currently assessing future choices. L ejos definitely be a problem, conflicts are a natural and very necessary part of teamwork. Among other things, allow members group to change the way we think and do things, extending their "frame of reference." In a team, the effective resolution of a conflict makes it possible to upgrade the resources that each member, creating a "plus" for the increase of ideas, skills and perspectives to address problems and make decisions. Amoros bequeathed us a valid opinion to be considered, as it is to bear in mind that there is a form of conflict that can be considered very positive for the organization, which are discussed and presented ideas to improve the process in an organization, or to achieve the objectives of a specific project.