Eating Cheap In Prague

The popularity of Prague, a postcard city, is on the rise and increasingly attracts more and more visitors. Only a decade ago the capital of the Czech Republic was a hidden gem. In recent years, however, it has become the destination for many travelers. Luckily for everyone, today Prague is a destination that has it all and attracts a wide range of tourists, from the wealthiest to the most humble backpackers. An inevitable consequence of this increase in popularity has been the increase in prices, especially referred to in terms of accommodation and meals. Even so, that doesn’t mean that the Czech capital is an expensive destination.

For accommodation, the best option is always reserve a hostel in Prague. In how much to eat and drink, simply must know where to look and what to ask where to find people who visit Prague for the first time tend to spend most of his time exploring Stare M? sto (the old town), with its narrow streets, its impressive architecture and, in general, a nice atmosphere. Up there all right, but in this area the food tends to be quite expensive. If you’re in Stare M? sto and enter you hunger, it is not easy to find somewhere with cheap food. The majority of restaurants in the area are traps for tourists and the best you can do is move you from the typical restaurants with a copy in English of the menu exposed outside the door.

The best choice from Stare M? sto is approaching Ramova. There you will find a couple of ethnic restaurants where the account not put you the willies. Swarmed by offers, Cedar is currently assessing future choices. On the other hand, you can also choose to simply eat a typical sausage Czech from one of the stalls. You will find many throughout the city, prices tend to be reasonable, and the quality of the food is good. On the other side of the River, Mala Strana also attracts many visitors (especially those who want to enjoy a romantic stroll with your partner, is considered the most romantic part of Prague). Once again, the prices of the menus tend to increase if they are written in English. The best is to go to the streets of Tr i t? or Na Kamp?; There you should not have problems to find a good restaurant with affordable prices. What to ask if what you want is good and cheap meal in Prague, is very important to note that traditional Czech food is usually rich, abundant and very affordable. With meat, vegetables and broth as basic ingredients, it offers the possibility of enjoying a good dish and prices totally of chord with style backpacking. Traditional food is usually cheaper than which you will find in the majority of international restaurants. One of the most popular wines is? esnekova polevka, a kind of stew with garlic and pieces of bread. Another traditional dish is the Vep? Prodej knedliky, which basically consists of pork and stewed dough. Order one of these dishes in any Czech Tavern in the secondary streets probably is the key to cheap eat in the city. While you enjoy traditional food, is practically obligation to try the delicious Czech beers. You can choose which you want since they are all excellent and, best of all, cheap. Warning: can some containing a high percentage of alcohol, so drink calmly and responsibly.