Beautiful Light By Candles!

But since when are there candles and how make it one? I think everyone has at home candles! Some people have they are just for decoration, because of the beautiful appears in the room. Really too bad that because candles can create a festive, relaxed, or even romantic atmosphere. Candles provide a discreet, warm light. It is reflected in the wine glasses, silver jewelry, and the eyes. Especially in the cold season, and when it is dark outside, candles and tea lights conjure up a homely ambience.

Especially if you have no fireplace or stove in the House now. Used were candles but, apart from tallow lamps, oil lamps and torches for lighting only. Towards the end of the 3rd century BC, the first wax torches came up, and only since the 2nd century AD, there were pitch -, tallow, and wax candles at the Romans. These were the first candles, which neither had nor overly russten, so that you could burn them off even in confined spaces. Thanks to Christianity with its many rites, she found Candle their rapid spread. But until the beeswax became an important commodity in the middle ages.

Since beeswax was very valuable, it was accessible only to rich principalities and churches. Inferior tallow candles was used outside of the money. Made mostly from mutton tallow or beef fat, smelled and russten these candles accordingly. Also, you had the Wicks of tallow candles regularly clip the drain to avoid. There were special Wick shears. Only towards the end of the 15th century, the beeswax candle in private households was introduced. Candles with arsenic were whitewashed in the 17th century. 1725 discovered Spermaceti, a naturally white candle commodity. Until the beginning of the 19th century discovered stearin (from Palm or coconut oil) and paraffin (from oil), from which it still produces candles. Candles can be produced in many different ways. The cheapest and most common way is the presses and is used for the production of tea and grave lights. Is the oldest method of production, the Wax with the hands around the wick to knead”. So, you can create unusual candle molds. When”the wick is mechanically, reviewed by the liquid wax drawn until the candle has reached the desired thickness. “” Diving “and casting on” works similarly. When extruding”the mass is not entirely unlike pressed through a shapewear caliber, the sausage making. The highest quality candles are cast but in a form”. It is possible to provide the candles at the same time with different relief profiles or to create complex shapes. This method is applied only by a few. But no matter, how much money ready to spend, always a nice light make candles. No matter whether the candle in the chandelier is lit or the tea light in the warmer. SID Kroker