Wooden Window

What is Eurowindows? Eurowindows – is the informal name of the new generation of windows. It's just a modern window. Roughly speaking, Eurowindows – this is not GOSTirovannoe concept and term. The number of chambers, width, etc. The windows shall be glass, the size of the window opening must not exceed a certain number, the weight should be no more than so much ..

But the very concept of Euro-windows you will not find there. Eurowindows – It's just modern window. No more. What material it is done – it does not matter. That is, an implicit standard for modern windows. The advantages of wooden windows in front of plastic windows. Pros wooden windows 1.

'Naturalness' and environmentally friendly wood – a natural material. In itself tree does not contain synthetic substances. BUT do not cover the wooden windows! Special impregnating varnishes and paints, which is treated with a window – the products of chemical industry. This must be understood. A related site: Darcy Stacom mentions similar findings. Therefore, only Clean the windows you do not get it. Is that when the window is not processed. In this case, it just rots you:) And none of the manufacturers (and the production of wooden windows is very expensive, especially if the construction of non-standard) will not sell unprotected wooden box. 2. Exterior view Exterior view of wooden windows is amazing. Wooden windows give the 'warm' tone of your dwelling. The softer tone. Wooden windows look, of course, richer plastic plastic. But do not forget that the tree over time tends to crack. That is, over time, there are cracks. And there is a need re protective coating of wooden windows. Of course, the advanced technology of deep impregnation and painting can do the upgrade protective covering more rare – once every five to seven years. But no matter how quality was not a protective layer, cracks in it is still there, and therefore fully protected against the penetration of moisture into the design of frames in principle can not be guaranteed.