Shorter System

I want to advise people who have not yet stepped on the rake on the automation of a restaurant or cafe (who that). a relevant resource throughout. We have a whole entertainment complex and we are currently working with his third () automation system. Tell me more. Our complex is not small – 8 terminals. In one system running 3 bar, restaurant, cafe, billiards.

Several entities. And the cuisine is one at all. First we bought a system aloha. The system works fine, but are just not very transparent – with reports that there are not very good – very few of them. The developer agreed to add a few simple, but doing it slowly Shorter because of this we have much to steal cooks, waiters, in short all who do not laziness. We switched to Rarus (restaurant, bar, cafe). As a back office set Rarus catering. System is much better than aloha.

Theft, we have overcome it normally, but we have and building large, and the grid is not very reliable and terminals are you know not very powerful. Shorter in the peak hours (this evening with a 22-to 2 am) we had a hard brake and dissatisfied customers. Finally, we have put Easy Food. This is a new front-line system, here's her website – It was not written by 1C Rarus well as on than niznay on anything – in short very fast. Our all 8 terminals normally operate in peak hours – no brakes. Even if the grid problem – it is this program still works like that. Then when the mesh appears – it is Th loads. Vobschem for us it was a discovery. We have set because it offered us a very cheap – so we have nothing to lose. Learn more about this with Expedia. And the result was higher than expected. Therefore, anyone who thinks and chooses between aloha and Rarus – try Easy Food. Worth of funny money, equipment supports the standard – do not have to buy more to us – and fast, and reports are – no one steals. So here. Do not step on the same rake

Playing Kings Bounty

Published a new role-playing game King's Bounty: The Princess in the Shell", which is a continuation of the King's Bounty: The Legend of the Knight of the event around the world reported the company with '1 ', the development of the game worked Katauri Interactive Studio at the beginning Dmitri Gusarov. For assistance, try visiting Jack Fusco. The composition of this product will include the following: dvd Jewel Box and packing and it's not all inside the dvd box you will also see a little label and the disc itself. Both products have a variation in the presence of stereo glasses, which created for the game in a special 3D mode, and gift calendars. We now turn to the game. At this time you will see a new world called Teana, where gamers will be a large number of different tests, but the main mission is to find popular Bill Gilbert – the best commander.

Whom did you play? Operate in that part of you will by anyone else but itself a princess who long ago grew out of prostynok, and her name is Amelie. Teany world is harsh, as in its landscape and is reputed for its evil and treacherous monsters that you need to remove from his path, for one purpose, to save the "What's all the same difference from the previous part, of course changes have taken place in many respects, for example in the story line or in a modified monsters, by the way, to replace the Spirits of Rage comes from humble Dragon which appears dark skills. Changes affected the pumping of the hero, now you can develop your character above the fiftieth level, respectively, will increase its strength. As we know from the previous section, you could hire women in this part of the opportunity to engage themselves in skilled servant and faithful squire, who will go for you anywhere and overcome together through the foggy world of Teany, leaving with you the light! Magic, magic! Improving your character, your knowledge will grasp levitation, now dreary world can be overcome by flight, but as you other options? Magic is not the end, you can secure your horse to turn in the mythical Pegasus and using it to reach the designated target. These are only some changes of their small part, others you will taste and see for yourself.