Configuring Accounting

Rate this result in the context of the components you can use the report “Statement on parties in warehouses. ” This report generates data in the currency of the administrative account (set in Tools-> Settings-account> Configuring Accounting-> currencies). Sheet 1 to work correctly reporting period for which he formed should be selected so that all operations of receipt of the goods and additional costs fall into it. Customize this Report (Indicators group rows, grouping columns, selection), as shown in the header table to evaluate the distribution of each additional unit of consumption goods purchased and to obtain the total cost of the party in the context of the nomenclature. By moving this information into MS Excel, and dividing the last column (cost) on the penultimate (Number) that the unit cost of goods purchased, taking into account additional costs allocated for the purchase. Page 2 Determination of the minimum discount prices purchased goods and the formation of the selling price of the goods, taking into account the company adopted a trade margin. So, using the standard report template configuration and MS Excel, we determined the unit cost of purchased goods. Now our task is to compare these figures with the established system of accounting prices.

With the report “Analysis of prices” can bring the price registered in the system by a certain date. Page 3 Move Data in this report to MS Excel and using the VLOOKUP () can be quickly substituted accounting prices in the table with the calculated costs and to compare them. Page 4 Download MS Excel file with this example, you need the formulas and calculations, You can follow this link: Control sebestoimosti.rar Since purchasing the operation may be widespread, and exercises with MS Excel formulas can take considerable time, our experts have finalized a standard report “Statement by parties in warehouses,” under the task.