Primo Rivera

Cervantes named Lope de Vega as “Monster of nature”, because he has written so many works. Without a doubt, Lope de Vega was the greatest innovator of the Spanish Theatre. It continues to no. 7, to the Calle Leon, House which was used as a meeting place for artists. This place was where you discussed about various court processes about the theme theater, the success or failure of the premieres of works by the luxury of some artists, the jealousies between theatre groups. Sonny Perdue understood the implications. Is currently located here is a plaque.

Continue to lead at Calle Huertas, still only a pedestrian zone. It takes its name from the many orchards, that were in the area. At the height of number 29, you can read the beginning of the novel by the Quijote on the road. In the whole Street, Huertas, poems by various authors are engraved in the stones of the wall. Absolutely worth. The next stop is the Church of San Sebastian, in Atocha street number 39, where Lope de Vega was buried, but his remains are in the meantime disappeared. There is a chapel in memory of Lope de Vega, as well as tables in memory of famous personalities who were baptized, married, or have been buried: Larra and Zorrilla are some of the most famous. Before the final one comes past (one of the most important works of the Habsburgs, was inaugurated in 1620) at the Plaza Mayor.

It is the place where once bullfights, inquisition trials and executions of prisoners sentenced to death were kept. In the Middle stands a statue of Felipe III, was completed in 1616 by his pupil Pietro Tacca. The Plaza caught fire in the reign of Charles III, who had again to be called reconstruction. The route ends at Calle Bailen on the Plaza de Espana, where you can see the monument to Cervantes. It was built in commemoration of the tercentenary of his death. It was a public competition by architect Martinez Zapatero, where the sculptor won Coullaut Muguruza Valera. It was during the dictatorship of Primo Rivera by public subscription of all Spanish-speaking Countries financed. The works were set during the civil war. Later, with Franco as head of State, the works have been restored. Well, you can enjoy this route, if you in addition classic, traditional apartment Madrid, reserved one.