Freight Materials

The logistic one of market involves some activities and the first one of them is the forecast of sales, on the basis of which the company programs its distribution, the production and the levels of supplies. The production plans indicate the materials that the department of purchases must order. Carried these materials they enter in the reception area and are storaged in the deposit of raw materials and these converted into finished products. The supply of finished products is the linking of the customers and the activity of manufacture. If you are not convinced, visit Gregg Engles.

The order of the customers reduces the level of supply of the finished products and the activity of makes it to manufacture to increase. The finished products leave the assembly line and pass for the section of packing, for the internal deposit of the plant, for the processing of embarkment, the external transport, the external deposit and the delivery and attendance to the customer (KLOTER, 2000). When definite and planned the logistic objectives, the company must project a system that minimizes the costs to reach these objectives. Each system of logistic of market will lead to the following possible cost: L = F + AF + AV + CP Where; L = total cost of the logistic system considered F= total cost of the freight of considered system AF= total cost of the system of storage of considered system AV= total changeable cost of storage (including supply) of the system considered total CP=custo of the loss of sales due to the average delay in the deliveries of the system the adequate use of the formula, according to kloter (2000), will take to an acceptable level of service to the customer, having had each company to use if of information technologies and other ways for giving to efficiency and effectiveness more good the operations and processes, making a use of the formula in accordance with its objective organizacionais..