Dynamic Spreadsheets

Soon otherwise be organized in the department, and brings forth all the work they were late. It also prepares a dynamic spreadsheets linked to program management through ODBC, which has some very interesting reports in “real time” without having to dedicate countless hours. A thanks to which you have extra time to do more tasks. Hear from experts in the field like Julio Franco for a more varied view. It seems that things have improved a lot. a However, there is something that worries Paco. This girl always leaves at eight o’clock, does more than a minute.

Where was Anna … She really worked … a After being a season pondering his future, Ana has been prepared, has made the race for Administration and Management, and an advanced Excel course. a I recently found a job in a company that values the effort itself but what really appreciates the value the contribution made by each employee. She is happy. And more working hours if the situation requires, but not for no reason. a The production model has been based in Spain too long in two sectors, tourism and construction, a low added value. This, coupled with the great timing that is in Spain and the low productivity causing the crisis in our country is having much larger effects on employment.

Therefore, and for the future, it is necessary to lay the groundwork for Spanish productivity is at the level it deserves. a Because Spain’s competitiveness depends not only on wage costs (a lot cheaper call for layoffs, and some that are lower wages to workers). a It is about building a competitive production model, and this requires investment in capital goods (machinery, computers …), I + D + i public and private (our country is still far behind the leaders), infrastructure and telecommunications ( Broadband in this country is also far from those of our environment), and training, thanks to which we are also certainly much more productive, as was Agnes. a What is not to be confused with hours of work productivity (if ever, operate in reverse, if someone does the same job in less hours, more productive) a not be confused productivity and production: productivity would be the production per unit (per hour, for example). Thus, if Alice has a productivity of 2 and Ana 1, but Ines works four hours, and Ana 10, Ana production (10) exceed that of Agnes (8). Pablo Rodriguez is a graduate in Business Administration, Auditing postgraduate in MBA and Master, passionate world of economics and business management.