Caucasus Media

Due to the fact that I had to spend several weeks in the hospital for chronic pancreatitis, I asked to bring me into the ward as much as possible of newspapers. Soon the press was delivered to my wife. I would like to share with your opinion about what is lacking modern media, and that, conversely, attracted my favorable attention. If a newspaper, which unfortunately is now rare, distinguished by the variety of subjects, solidity, careful selection of news, the presence of the old school of journalism – she did not even need any additional public relations, the so-called promotion – it will always be in demand and popular Now quite often come across the press quite another kind, which I do not even want to talk, but there are newspapers, which are among the various other media outlets island on which the eye and pleasant to stay where it is possible to breathe clean air. In particular, call my sincere interest in inter-regional newspaper 'North Caucasus', which was a pleasant discovery for me in the media world. Many publications are addicted to negative, which already makes our life difficult and hopeless. I would like to ask 'North Caucasus': more bright colors! The newspaper only benefit from this. Do not be morbid concentration on the destruction and killing.

Heavy news Nobody has added to health. Yes, Newspaper favorably with other editions of the lack of total , as well as popular publications to date from the racy lives of public people. But still, I would like more light moments. Let's write about the positive: the construction of new plants and hydroelectric plants, the theatrical premieres, but you never know about anything else. Our long-suffering people deserve at least a few minutes of rest, which the reader can draw from communication with the progressive, but at the same time, a little conservative, a truly professional media. Sometimes do not even want to discuss is not what the news, printed in some editions, but just take these books into the hands – Beautiful glossy cover, and you open a magazine – and do not understand to whom and what can be addressed to such information. With horror, you think that an attractive appearance of some publications is a good lure for young which sometimes thoughtlessly, blindly browse through the pages of newspapers or magazines, on a subconscious level, soaking up all that negative, which breaks with the glossy pages.