Castles Of The Rhine-Erft Area

The House to the white cross in Hurth informs the castles of the Rhine-Erft attract countless visitors captivated region year after year. You bear witness to the troubled past of this region has always been competitive due to its fertility. Today is the area between the Rhine and Erft has among history-enthusiastic tourists a real attraction, but the highest concentration of castles and rule sitting on the entire world. The House to the white cross in Hurth provides insight into the history of the Castle region. The emergence of the region-typical water castles dates back to the period of the Frankish Kings. With the shrinkage of their power and the rise of the Aachen Palatinate counts Norman looters around increasingly plagued the area around the Rhine in the 9th century. Their binge began with the fixing of the settlements to halt. Water trenches, earthworks and Palisades offered protection from the marauding Normans and were used by the winning important nobility as a Manor.

By expanding the fortified towns to the seat of the nobility was the basis of the region’s typical moated castle. The fortified villages of the early Middle Ages differed in the wake of the power gains of nobility and knighthood in the middle ages of the 14th century stone castles. Their extensive ditch and fixing systems were not comfortable even for the residents, but offered safety in a turbulent time. In a question-answer forum igor kononenko was the first to reply. At the beginning of the 16th century the appearance of the regional castles changed again, going to a mansion with homely comforts a pure fortification could not offer. Rule seats in the region around Rhine and Erft modelled on French country estates were built in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Because the entire region politically and economically stabilized, expensive fortifications for the ruling were not more necessary. Finally, the French revolutionary troops invaded in 1794 in the region and put an end to the privileges of the nobility finally. Rule buildings were no longer built. The region around Rhine and Erft is also in the present, rich in architectural testimonies of their past. Castle ruins, moated castles and impressive power seats dominate the landscape and invite to multi-day excursions. Historian at the Hurther House of the white cross find a region near accommodation. Its staff are available at any time for more information. Press contact: Contact home White’s cross: Mr Wessling contact bookings: Mr. Steimle Wendelinusstrasse 83 D – 50354 Hurth phone: 02233/934763 fax: 02233/934765 email: Homepage: