Building Structures

Protect the building structure such as trusses, wood roofing elements (crate, floor), wooden walls, attic and basement ceilings. Design solutions in order to protect the wooden house from moisture, and hence the invasion of fungi, bacteria and mold, is that it must be set to high base – the distance between the earth and the lowest log must be at least 30 centimeters. Equally important is a good waterproofing of the lower rim of logs at the site of contact with his foundation to prevent penetration of moisture into the timber through the capillaries. Another weak spot chopped homes – girth cups, protective treatment which would protect them from moisture and rotting. The roof, installed over a wooden house must have a sufficient overhang, steep slopes and serviceable gutters. Details can be found by clicking music downloads or emailing the administrator.

In this case, the surface of walls of wooden buildings will be protected from dampness. To protect the exterior wood sheathing of the house from moisture coming from the inside building, shall be free space between it and the wall. In conjunction with structural techniques in the world widely used chemical method for wood preservatives. Chemical event is impregnated or cover wood compounds that prevent the action of wood-fungi, ie, in . In terms of the individual construction of wooden houses may exercise surface . With proper use of protective means such a method is very effective, inexpensive and safe. Wood preservatives are water-soluble protective equipment, formulations based on volatile organic compounds, oil antiseptic, antiseptic paste, etc. To date, most commonly in the market are aqueous solutions of antiseptic and funds.