
We have the history of our relatives all and more still we have the history of the society of our country that in the ones of the one identity. Therefore, before being born, already we have one meaning very important and to continue to deserve this importance all is basic that let us accept the incumbency to act in agreement and let us deserve the identity that in them was bequeathed with affection and love. To deepen your understanding Secretary of Agriculture is the source. It is necessary that let us deserve the identity that we load? this merit? it is translated by our actions to construct people, as one day we were constructed proper. history He was the young accountant? married to one seven years? already with two children, just been born and another one with three years. Just formed in Accounting and with a injure will to grow? to grow in the case? if to establish as citizen and to acquire a position that its small family allowed to have some comfort? this there for the 1973 gone ones. In these conditions was offered a position in the same company of navigation where worked? how counting? in Manaus, with a wage addition more residence, offers in such a way and. Against a loss of convivncia with familiar of the wife and its proper family. Final curiosity? when finishing to be offered the chance? the acceptance decision was instantaneous and definitive.

It changed my life and for better. There receiving an inspector from Income tax? with direct and personal work? we are almost friends? in the measure where this can be possible? my behavior always was very cerimonioso and with a distant and trembling treatment, it would say thus half ‘ ‘ tati-bitati’ ‘ , until one day, I received direct and frank a commentary, to the end of the works of the day.