
The Mohren pharmacy from Stuttgart informed unprepared tourists who visit subtropical or tropical regions, end the vacation pleasures quickly with a hepatitis disease. Pharmacy the Stuttgart Moor depicts the tropical disease problem. Hepatitis A is a viral disease that is widespread in the subtropics or tropics and the Mediterranean or Eastern Europe. It is, however, extremely rare A virus hepatitis. While in the main distribution area almost every child with the virus into contact comes and developed an immunity, unvaccinated tourists from Germany are usually defenseless exposed to him.

They contract the virus abroad, therefore almost inevitably follows a liver disease. The hepatitis A virus is found in contaminated food or drinking sewage-contaminated water and is a serious problem particularly in regions with poor sanitary conditions. For this reason, there is the adventurous tourist development in remote regions in the distribution area is not without risk. The virus infected a human so It is only after several weeks of acute illness connect he can his environment much earlier. A hepatitis A is for older children and adults in typical liver disease symptoms such as yellow discolored eyes, to recognize verfarbtem urine and pale white Chair. Contact information is here: Whole Foods. About one-third of affected persons is also plagued by fever, chills, or joint pain.

The disease course is only very rarely critical but still very stressful months. Young children fall ill with hepatitis A, the mentioned Lebersymptomatiken missing mostly largely or completely, which is a rapid diagnosis in the way. In the face of regular mild disease course, this is no big problem, but for their environment, where they spread the highly infectious disease for the affected children. While hepatitis A is unpleasant but rarely really dangerous, hepatitis B is one of the deadliest infectious diseases at all. Around the world more people die from tuberculosis and malaria as on hepatitis B. Will survive the acute symptoms, yet dangerous consequential damages are possible. The transmission of the hepatitis B virus via human body fluids and blood. An estimated one percent of the German population carries the potentially deadly virus and has been infected by sexual contact. The only reliable and long-lasting protection is vaccination against hepatitis A and B. Are stays in risk areas should allow travellers this time. While the first two phases of the vaccination period of four weeks are completed, the third vaccination, which completes the protection takes place six months later. Ensuring an effective immunization is one of the most important provisions that should meet travelers in their own interest.