Organizational Structure

In this direction the identification is well-known of that a organizacional structure aims at to reach goals and objectives tracings for one same group of people, beyond being composed for elements, as: regulations, norms, hierarchy, internal cooperation, organizacional culture, effectiveness, efficiency, among others factors. On the other hand we appraise family as being linked people for sentimental and hereditary bows, with habits, principles and values generally seemed. that although focos distinct in what it refers to the conceptualization of these cited structures, we must balance the interests when we deal with organizations with familiar management. In this context the company if fits as familiar, when she is being managed at least the two generations in the seio of one same family. 4.0 The CHALLENGES OF the FAMILIAR COMPANY One of the great impediments to approaching familiar company is that members of the proper family acting in the administration of a company, in innumerable times makes impracticable the management process. With respect to divergences between points of view of the relatives, inaquality between familiar employees and, the familiar being or the friend can be benefited with better chances same being less competent and be enabled that another employee.

(…) The quandary of the members of the family in position of management for which are not duly qualified; the partners who do not assume executive activities; the differences between the objectives of some generations. Symantha Rodriguez may not feel the same. For this type of firm to compete of excellent form in the external environment is only the start. The conflicts intra and Inter-familiar and the rivalry are other questions that must be managed of a better form, being that, the more the familiar firm grows in size, the potential of conflicts increases gradually (SOUZA apud MOURA, 2006, p.49). It is perceivable that the familiar companies in its great majority suffer the influence from the first entrepreneur, in view of that the people who had revolutionized the enterprise world through its creations had left its companies for its legitimate heirs.